Muscles, what tricks have to keep them healthy

We must always remember that, the muscles of our body are not necessarily those "trophies" to be shown but above all they are elements of our body (over 600) that allow us to perform various vital functions (including the heartbeat).

We must therefore take good care of it . Even those less "showy". Exercise helps all muscles, but adequate nutrition is absolutely essential to keeping them healthy. Here's what other tricks you have to keep your muscles healthy.

Muscles, what tricks to keep them healthy: what to do

Here are some suggestions to keep our muscles healthy:

> Doing adequate physical activity : if you are not sporting, start with walks, which will gradually become more intense and faster. Or dance if you like.

> If you are already sporting, plan a balanced activity that suits you: running or lost or swimming or something else, as long as it is done in the right way, which is not a risk of jerking or incorrect posture, as it can cause muscle damage. Yoga too will be fine.

> For sportsmen: plan training sessions adapted to your level of physical preparation, interspersed with the right recovery times.

> Varied type of sporting activity, to be able to train all the muscles : arms (both), legs, abdomen, buttocks ... do complete exercises for all parts of the body.

> Pamper your muscles: stretch adequately before and after physical activity and, why not, treat yourself to a massage from time to time . Massages improve the blood supply to the muscles, in this way they nourish them and strengthen them.

> Natural remedies for contractures and muscle health. The main ones are: arnica gel, excellent for bruises and as an anti-inflammatory, in local applications; lemon balm, for relaxing herbal teas with anti-tension effect; spirulina algae for its richness in proteins. Possible amino acid, protein and mineral salt supplements, only on the advice of sports and nutrition professionals.

> Proper nutrition : rich in whole grains, fresh and raw fruits and vegetables, proteins (from legumes, or Greek eggs or yogurt, or fish or white meats).

> Finally, get enough sleep, to allow the body adequate recovery.

Muscles, what tricks to keep them healthy: what to avoid

There are certain attitudes that can, in the long run, negatively affect muscle health. Better try to avoid them. Here are the main ones:

> Giving in to laziness: a sedentary lifestyle does not help circulation, posture or muscle tone.

> An incorrect diet: rich in saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, sugars and low in proteins. No alcohol.

> Drink little: water is essential to our body, fundamental for metabolism, including muscle

> Avoid long fasts, especially if you do it yourself. They impoverish the body's reserves and in short they will also "empty" the muscles.

> No to cigarette smoke, to guarantee your muscles the correct oxygen supply.

> Avoid overtraining, incorrect posture during exercises, activities not suited to your condition and physical preparation. Ask an expert for advice on which one is best for you.

Also read:

> Stirfit, improves posture and strengthens muscles

> Daily habits for muscle health

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