Suffumigi for cough
Suffumigi for cough

Suffumigi for cough

Colds, coughs, dry or oily, exhaustion can be attenuated with the remedies that our grandmothers adopted and that are effective to help breathing, fluidize the mucus, free the bronchi. The fumigations are part of this tradition, they are the precursors of inhalations and aromatherapy. Technically they are very simple to implement , you need a pot of hot steaming water, a towel with which to create a sort of Indian tent that covers the head and pot to convey the vapors and the precious help of some natural remedy to add to the water and to inhale...

Flowers for children: an interview with Claudia Mattiello

Flowers for children: an interview with Claudia Mattiello

In the presentation she writes that " flower remedies are respectful in their way of acting" . Can you explain this idea better? In my book I call flower remedies respectful because "... they awaken the conscience of our conflicts to the extent that everyone is able to solve them." We know, also from experience, that we tend to repress or even erase the memory of painful experiences as an instinctive form of self-protection, and that forcing those barriers can be dangerous...

Gotta, recognize it from the symptoms

Gotta, recognize it from the symptoms

Gout is an inflammatory form that mainly affects the joints. Let's see how to recognize the symptoms and identify the causes that trigger it. Gout and symptoms of alterations in the body's acid-base balance Gout can be one of the direct consequences of blood acidification . It is easy to monitor one's level of acidification by analyzing the pH of the urine to be performed several times a day for several days with a pad of test paper readily available in the pharmacy...

Food supplements, how to choose them

Food supplements, how to choose them

In recent years, the market for food supplements has increased significantly ; in the United States, for example, one person in two uses supplementation, while in Italy the rate drops to one in three, but it is still very high. Self-prescription and DIY are often used; the choice on the supplements to be used is autonomous and takes place without having consulted a specialist ...

Intimate hygiene of children

Intimate hygiene of children

Proper intimate hygiene of children is important from birth. Initially it is up to the parents to take care of it by adopting all the useful precautions to avoid redness and infections. From nursery school onwards the most important aspect perhaps becomes the educational one: children, in fact, begin to become autonomous and it is essential to teach them the importance of proper intimate hygiene ...

Indigo children

Indigo children

Who are the indigo children? "Children's games are not games, we must consider them as their most serious actions" , wrote Montaigne in the 1500s. The world of childhood fascinates us, rejects us, sometimes it is frightening, often, as adults, it is difficult to to remember. And it's much more serious than you might think...

Sing that passes you

Sing that passes you

It is confirmed by many statistics and studies, on samples of people of all ages all over the world: expressing oneself is good ! Singing, drawing, painting, dancing, acting, cooking ... even if it is not our main work, it still brings benefits to our being, both in terms of inner serenity and greater efficiency ...

Folic acid against hair loss and white hair

Folic acid against hair loss and white hair

Vitamins are essential for the body's functions and for a healthy appearance of skin and hair. Let's see how folic acid could affect hair loss and white hair. Folic acid, white hair and hair loss Vitamins are essential molecules for the health of the body because they are involved in numerous metabolic processes in our body...

Moringa oleifera and nickel

Moringa oleifera and nickel

Nickel (Ni) is a metal found in foods that contain hydrogenated vegetable fats and in various foods of vegetable origin, such as cashews, cocoa, legumes, tomatoes, spinach, cereals, vegetables and canned foods. Nickel is tolerated by the body in small quantities , but if taken in large doses it can cause dermatitis and damage to the intestinal mucosa ...

Sweet almond oil for the intestine

Sweet almond oil for the intestine

But wasn't sweet almond oil good for your skin? To nourish and elasticize fabrics? True, and if we know any rudiments of yogic, ayurvedic and Chinese culture we can understand how the skin is closely linked to the well-being of our large intestine . Traditional Chinese medicine sees in the metal movement the functional interrelation between the energies of the lungs, intestines and skin , three organs of exchange between the inside and the outside of the organism, organs that perform a filtering action, which transform the heavy into thin and the subtle into heavy into an alchemical rite...

How to defend yourself from electrosmog

How to defend yourself from electrosmog

When we talk about electrosmog we refer to the pollution deriving from the exposure of non-ionized electromagnetic fields also known as CEM. Every household appliance or other electrical object produces electromagnetic waves that propagate in the environment by creating this electro-smog field. In reality the electromagnetic fields are naturally present in the environment around us but the artificial sources in the course of human history have increased considerably and exposure to electrosmog is becoming an increasingly serious problem...

How and when to take milk thistle

How and when to take milk thistle

Sylibum Marianum is the botanical name of milk thistle and its active ingredient, of great interest in the herbalist field, is silymarin . What is the milk thistle used for? This remedy is indicated to help the liver and liver function in general. > Silymarin acts as a protector on liver cells, inhibits the oxidation processes caused by free radicals, intercepts them and cancels their activity...

Wrinkles: the 5 TOP remedies

Wrinkles: the 5 TOP remedies

What are the 5 TOP natural remedies to fight facial wrinkles? Let's find out together . 1. Hyaluronic acid against wrinkles Hyaluronic acid is a component of connective tissues, including the epidermis, where it represents one of the elements of the extracellular matrix. Over the years, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the tissues decreases and the skin loses tone and appears less young...

Cystitis in children, symptoms and remedies

Cystitis in children, symptoms and remedies

The risk of a urinary infection in children, especially in children, is quite high; these infections are almost exclusively bacterial in nature When bacteria stop at the level of the bladder it is called cystitis ; when, on the other hand, the bacteria manage to reach the kidneys and the renal basins are called pyelonephritis , a far more serious infection than cystitis...

Stomatitis in children: symptoms and care

Stomatitis in children: symptoms and care

Stomatitis is a painful infection that affects the mucous membranes of the mouth and can also occur in children with fever and blisters. Furthermore it must be pointed out that there are 2 main types of stomatitis: a gingival and a herpetic one : the first can be caused by a virus and is recognized by the appearance of sore throat, bubbles and mild fever ; the second, more complicated, is linked to the herpes simplex virus...

The "cervical": lucky those who do not suffer.  But in the case, what to do?

The "cervical": lucky those who do not suffer. But in the case, what to do?

Cervical pain is attributable to various factors that sometimes add up. Posture, stress, refreshments and even problems in other areas of the body, such as muscular asymmetry of the legs, scoliosis, misalignment of the pelvis. Everything helps to influence and worsen cervical pain. But the question is "But how is all this solved...

Dark circles: natural remedies and lifestyle

Dark circles: natural remedies and lifestyle

The lifestyle that helps fight dark circles Dark circles can be constitutional, that is to be a feature of a person's appearance; however, they can also arise due to an incorrect lifestyle . The first of the natural remedies for dark circles is all in our hands, because it has to do with life style...

The psychosomatic view of gastritis

The psychosomatic view of gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, which comes into direct contact with what we eat. Burning is generally the perceived symptom. An internal fire that often weakens us so much that we can't even drink a glass of water. The fire we have inside is precisely the symbol that can illuminate us about the meaning of gastritis and why it occurs...

Psiconautica: trance and flow

Psiconautica: trance and flow

The term psiconautica has at the same time something poetic and revealing , which tells us a lot about the contents and intents of this discipline: how the navigator knows the waves of the sea and its currents, so the psychonaut knows and navigates the different waves of consciousness, or the so-called states of consciousness, without simply suffering them...

Changing habits, the Changing to live better

Changing habits, the Changing to live better

The Changing brings wellbeing Changing is good, even and especially in times of crisis. We have been talking about this piscological trend for a couple of years: it is a way of taking life that bans all established habits , boredom, repetitiveness, giving voice to change at 360 degrees. It is not necessary to overturn everything, sometimes it is sufficient to change small daily habits , such as the choice of the place to do the shopping or the trip to work...

Know the metabolic syndrome and prevent cardiovascular disease

Know the metabolic syndrome and prevent cardiovascular disease

The metabolic syndrome is not a disease , but a " risk condition " composed of a set of alterations that, if present simultaneously, can be very risky for the health so as to create serious disorders such as cardiovascular complications and metabolism imbalances. This is a problem not to be overlooked given that it affects around 14 million Italians, of both sexes mainly aged between 30 and 60 years...

The importance of sleeping well

The importance of sleeping well

Making peace with Morpheus is a duty / right of each of us, we owe it to ourselves but also to the people around us, because not sleeping well also means creating negative energies around us and feeding stress, anxiety, exhaustion. The importance of sleeping well Sleeping well is important, but the studies of the major universities of our country show that insomnia affects 1 in 3 Italians both for short periods and chronically...

Milks formulated for children: when to use them?

Milks formulated for children: when to use them?

The infant formula are milks that are used when it is not possible to breastfeed: let 's see what they contain and how they are prepared . Milks formulated for children: when to use them The major organizations responsible for the matter promote breastfeeding up to 4-6 months: breastfeeding is important because it positively influences the microbiological imprint of the baby's intestinal flora , promoting the proliferation of bifidobacteria that contribute to the good body health even in adulthood...

Tecar therapy and cellulite

Tecar therapy and cellulite

Tecar therapy: what it is and what it is used for Tecartherapy is a particular therapeutic and treatment method based on the endogenous stimulation of heat production . Other therapies, such as ultrasound and laser therapy , apply the same principle of use of heat to cure, but unlike these, Tecartherapy, through the use of particular capacitors and electric plates, stimulates the internal mobilization of ions inside the tissues ...

How much milk should a newborn take?

How much milk should a newborn take?

How much milk a newborn needs to take Every breastfeeding is different with breastfeeding. In the first weeks of life, the newborn can take 20 grams in a breastfeed and 90 grams in the next. What matters is the amount that the child takes, overall, within 24 hours. The amount of milk babies need to take depends, of course, on the weeks of life...

Running with the heart

Running with the heart

Running, running, jogging, jogging ... Whatever you want to call it, two-legged aerobic activity is good: it makes it agile, toning the muscles, it helps to burn fat, so to dim , increasing lean mass. But that is not all. Running is allied in regulating blood pressure and strengthens the bone system, preventing osteoporosis...

Natural cough remedies in children

Natural cough remedies in children

Cough in children: prevention The first of the cough remedies in children is prevention. Often the disorder is due to excessive bronchial secretions, very common in the youngest, due to the small size of the airways and their immaturity. It is therefore important to prevent cough in children first of all with good habits, ie dressing them neither too much nor too little and taking care of the temperature and humidity of the rooms...

Back to school, the good habits that help in the study

Back to school, the good habits that help in the study

The first day of school is a bit like New Year, it's a new beginning; everything is zeroed and starts again from the beginning. For some children and young people the resumption of school activities is full of enthusiasm and positive emotions; for others it can be a source of tension and anxiety...

Sleep apnea: predisposition or habits?

Sleep apnea: predisposition or habits?

Obstructive nighttime apnea (OSAS) is a clinical condition characterized by recurrent episodes of temporary apnea (cessation of ventilation) or hypopnea (reduced ventilation). These episodes occur characteristically during sleep. Which are the nocturnal obstructive apnea Based on the International Classification of Sleep Disorders we can define OSAS as a condition characterized by: Episodes of apnea and / or hypopnea during sleep of which the subject is often not aware...

Sexual education and adolescents, a parenting reflection

Sexual education and adolescents, a parenting reflection

We can't hide our heads in the sand like ostriches, it's embarrassing , it's complicated but it's very important to address issues related to sex education with our kids . Not only to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, but also to talk about love. Values are not something old, something of other times; are the basis on which our social behavior is based ...

Healing: therapeutic efficacy, symbolic efficacy

Healing: therapeutic efficacy, symbolic efficacy

In the field of biomedicine healing is considered to be the result, prefixed in objective and scientifically measurable terms, of the efficacy of the therapy or of the drugs taken by the patient to restore their state of health. This conception of therapeutic efficacy is criticized from the point of view of medical anthropology because it is essentially based on the biological aspects of the relationship between the patient and therapy, setting aside the cultural, social, emotional and symbolic aspects that affect any moment of the life of the human being, including the healing process...

Cancer Prevention on 2016 World Day

Cancer Prevention on 2016 World Day

World Cancer Day promoted by the UICC, the International Union against Cancer, is celebrated on 4 February . The 2016 slogan that echoes on the World Cancer Day website is "We can. I can". The goal is to make people and individual states aware that prevention and early diagnosis are two key elements in cancer treatment...

Bitter herbs against poor digestion

Bitter herbs against poor digestion

Dyspepsia is a syndrome caused by several factors that causes heartburn, a feeling of fullness and difficulty in digesting . There are several and bitter rbe effective in countering the symptoms related to poor digestion : let's see which ones. Bad digestion: symptoms, causes and natural remedies Dyspepsia or indigestion is a condition associated with digestive difficulties, characterized by slowing down of gastric emptying, a sense of "heaviness in the stomach", burning, regurgitation, nausea and vomiting...

Abdominal swelling and charcoal

Abdominal swelling and charcoal

The abdominal swelling can depend on simple metabolic slowdowns linked to digestion , or on the fermentation of badly associated foods that stagnate in an intestine with little motility, perhaps suffering from colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, but also lactose intolerance. The result is often a more or less accentuated swelling of the abdomen, with a sense of heaviness...

Cough in the newborn: useful remedies and advice

Cough in the newborn: useful remedies and advice

The respiratory tract of the newborn is tiny and this exposes him to a greater risk, compared to the adult, of getting cold and cough . The most frequent cough in the child is of viral origin and therefore does not require drugs; however, to alleviate the symptoms and promote healing it is advisable to resort to some natural remedies...

Facial wrinkles

Facial wrinkles

Because facial wrinkles are formed Facial wrinkles are caused by a progressive decrease in collagen , this decrease in substance in turn initiates a process of progressive loss of tone and elasticity of the skin. The wrinkles that appear on the face in this way are the classic wrinkles of old age . The aging process is natural on the one hand, but on the other it also follows our way of looking at life and the world...

Natural cures for depression

Natural cures for depression

Depression is a disease characterized by a lowering of vital energy, it can happen suddenly and at any age, and mood is the first thing that is compromised. If a person suffers from depression no longer wants to eat, the same activities he did with joy start to make them listlessly, until they become a burden or without interest...

Yoga breathing

Yoga breathing

Yoga of breathing Everyone believes they know how to breathe properly . It is natural, we think. In reality, it is not so. We breathe incorrectly, we do not know the phases of breathing, let alone the relative benefits. Yoga considers breathing as fundamental. Yoga breathing can be divided into three moments, which come together in a single act of ideal breathing...

What hides behind youthful acne?

What hides behind youthful acne?

Acne is a dermatosis caused by the inflammation of the hair follicles and the sebaceous glands of the skin: overall our body has about fifteen sebaceous glands, located at the base of the hairs, which produce sebum; the latter, however, if produced in excess can block the pores and trigger the inflammatory process that leads to acne...

Health inequalities in Italy

Health inequalities in Italy

The problem of health inequalities has been extensively studied, especially to understand the main causes. Overall , the results of all the research carried out in this sense lead to two types of causes: environmental and individual. Beyond the causes, what are the results of the last survey of the National Health Observatory in the Italian regions ...

Cardiac arrhythmia: types, symptoms, causes

Cardiac arrhythmia: types, symptoms, causes

Life is rhythm . Yes, even for you who do not love music and are always "out of time". The hair grows, the skin regenerates, the intestine contracts and relaxes. But above all the heart : "Batte. Forte. Semper", as the advertisement says. That's right. Our organs have their own rhythm, unique and different from person to person and from situation to situation...