Stomatitis in children: symptoms and care

Stomatitis is a painful infection that affects the mucous membranes of the mouth and can also occur in children with fever and blisters.

Furthermore it must be pointed out that there are 2 main types of stomatitis: a gingival and a herpetic one : the first can be caused by a virus and is recognized by the appearance of sore throat, bubbles and mild fever ; the second, more complicated, is linked to the herpes simplex virus.

In both cases, the child manifests a great discomfort in the throat and oral cavity in general, so intense that it will also prevent him from eating, leaving him tried and physically debilitated.

These painful whitish spots appear on the inner wall of the oral cavity and close to the lips, which can also originate halitosis.

Among the causes of stomatitis there may also be vitamin deficiencies (iron, vitamin C, group B vitamins) or poor oral hygiene or severe states of anxiety and stress .

How to cure stomatitis

Generally it is a disorder that tends to disappear by itself in a few days. Only in the most serious cases, the doctor, who in any case is always advised to consult, will recommend the most appropriate remedy.

There are also tips and suggestions to prevent and cure stomatitis in a natural way .

First of all, nutrition is important: the child's diet should never lack fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin C; then go for oranges, broccoli, cherries, spinach, kiwi, strawberries, depending on the season.

It is also good to always maintain a good level of hydration, consuming lots of water and natural fruit juices during the day.

Propolis, honey, tea tree oil, lactic ferments are other natural remedies that lend themselves to treating this ailment: however it is always important to hear the opinion of an expert before choosing any type of treatment.

How is stomatitis transmitted?

It is a contagious virus, which is transmitted by respiratory route, with droplets of saliva, sneezing, contact with towels, dishes or other objects.

Even if the child sucks his finger, be careful, as it can transmit the infection to other parts of the body.

Discover also the natural remedies for the afta

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