Changing habits, the Changing to live better

The Changing brings wellbeing

Changing is good, even and especially in times of crisis. We have been talking about this piscological trend for a couple of years: it is a way of taking life that bans all established habits, boredom, repetitiveness, giving voice to change at 360 degrees.

It is not necessary to overturn everything, sometimes it is sufficient to change small daily habits, such as the choice of the place to do the shopping or the trip to work.

Statistically, the changes that Italians seem to be more accustomed to are: city change, change of partners, change of look, change of job. By force or pleasure. If for some it is a trauma, for others it is part of life: we see how those who change often are and those who do not change at all.

You are born "accustomed"

If we think about it well, since we are little, home, kindergarten, rhythms of life, we often come here with the subject of habit: waking up at the same time, having the same lunch, respecting sleep times. Routine is important, of course, especially for newborns . But as experts and child psychologists teach, it must be an instinctive, seconded, non-imposed routine ; a routine that, as the child grows, can also become an exception to the rule, imagination, play and acceptance of novelty, experimentation.

Who says that children are really those who need habits? Perhaps it is the parents who, for fear of the ongoing change, because they are experiencing a particular moment in their lives, must "re-frame" everything according to very specific rules. So we should also be careful not to transmit fears to our children in this sense.

Why do you resist change?

The fear of change

In fact, this is precisely the crucial point: often we do not change because we are afraid . The daily routine for some people is a warm and welcoming cradle in which to bask, in which to remain as when one was a child, while for others, which seem to be exceptions, it is a prison from which to escape.

The latter are led to consider routine and habituation as a mental closure, a boredom, a point of no return suitable only for dull, apathetic and boring people. While there are those who constantly change, better, those who could not live without change, there are those who even find it hard to change small actions and daily gestures such as the journey that is made to go to work, shopping in a another supermarket compared to the one you are used to, giving yourself a weekly outing, making new friends.

It follows that, any small change that occurs in life (and lately there are several!), Is experienced by people who are not accustomed as a real trauma, a drama of the darkest.

So then a couple of years ago psychologists invented a "therapy" called "Changing", something that, for strength or want, has become the lifestyle of many in Italy in recent years and leads to welcoming the change as something positive, stimulating .

The joy of being reborn

Work is unstable, even engaged couples, the house has a hard time buying it "forever": the "Changing" trend not only seems to continue, but even dominate.

What do you want to see the beautiful side of this infinite change? We leave indefinite time and securities to boring people, as we leave, to paraphrase Proust, beautiful women to unimaginative men : it's time to reinvent themselves, to grope in the darkness, to accept with the smile the fact that the clod under the foot, don't be so firm and solid! Do you like the idea? Perhaps not everyone will like it, but what if this is the turning point?

For experts, spicologists and sociologists there is more than one positive side in the Changing : flexibility in life, the abandonment of established habits give rise to new resources in the human being that were not even thought to have, open the door to new possibilities, to new encounters, to lively and brilliant ideas.

The mental laziness and the ignorant pride of wanting to remain anchored to what is believed to be consolidated give way to the joy of getting back into the game, of discovering new things, of breaking the mold and embracing better life choices . While nine possibilities are experimented, the brain trains and remains young, stimuli increase, new pins are sought and self-esteem, self-confidence and positivity are increased. In essence, the joy of being reborn is reappeared.

Are you able to change course?

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