Which foods to avoid for the prevention of colitis

Those who suffer from colitis know very well that this disorder does not mean just swollen belly, diarrhea that strikes suddenly or obstinate constipation, and abdomen in continuous turmoil .

Those who suffer from colitis are, or should be, aware of its most intimate implications and psychological causes, which lead to suppose that the way in which we are living does not fully reflect us, therefore we retain emotions, expressions and experiences that go to pour on the guts.

Unsaid words, unspoken tensions, masks to wear : colitis is the pathology of those who tend to hold back their instincts, reinforcing an idealized image of themselves, so it is up to the poor colon to double his work, on the one hand by cleaning it which is not less noble than we are accepted, on the other "violently unloading unexpressed emotions.

That said, it can certainly be helped by nutrition, preventing the manifestation of colitis by eliminating certain foods that can trigger them.

Colitis is cured by eating: what to avoid

The delicate intestinal balance is also cared for at table, thanks to nutrition. It should not be forgotten that, in addition to unconscious motivations and causes, there may also be incorrect foodstuffs, which cause an accumulation of toxins, generating inflammation.

Here therefore it becomes essential to avoid certain foods or foods, above all alcoholic beverages, carbonated and cold drinks, saturated fats, sweeteners ; even an excess of gluten and carbohydrates can cause imbalances in the intestinal flora, so it is essential to know how to dose foods and follow a balanced diet in this sense.

A good habit, even if one doesn't have to make excessive use of it, is to consume the products in their integral version : therefore limit flour, rice, sugar, salt or refined pasta, and occasionally prefer their full or semi-integral version.

Foods to avoid and simple anti-colitis remedies

Cooking also has a considerable weight: steam cooking should be preferred, both for meat and for vegetables, limiting foods with spicy intolerances, spices or too tasty sauces. No categorical to fried foods .

Instead of consuming soups and vegetable soups, it is good to prepare pastas, velvety and mealy potato-based soups . In this regard, besides those listed, it is good to limit the consumption of fruits and vegetables with laxative effect, seasoned cheeses, milk, cured meats, eggs . It would be better to abolish coffee ; green light instead of green tea and herbal teas based on blueberry, to be consumed several times during the day.

Finally it is good to avoid eating meals by gulping down the courses, but devoting time to the entire digestive process, from beginning to end, trying to respect as much as possible times and times.

Did you know? Even children suffer from colitis, often dictated by the delicacy of the digestive system or stress, and also for them the symptoms are the same as for adults, causing them frequent stomach ache .

Nerve colitis: what to eat?

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