Sing that passes you

It is confirmed by many statistics and studies, on samples of people of all ages all over the world: expressing oneself is good ! Singing, drawing, painting, dancing, acting, cooking ... even if it is not our main work, it still brings benefits to our being, both in terms of inner serenity and greater efficiency . Even large companies have understood this, those who are happy produce more.

In practice, what happens when we are doing an activity that makes us feel good? For example, many people love to paint, while they are focused on painting, we are doing a sort of " active meditation ", in which time space expands and we are completely involved in the act of creating. This wonderful feeling brings our nervous system to relax in a deep way and recharge those energies, which are needed to face everyday life.

The body, the mind, the spirit in these moments are free to be without borders, capable of overcoming their own limitations and convictions, which we usually listen to. Giving ourselves the opportunity to make this experience becomes important, because we try in practice to experience the freedom we so much seek in our lives and in creative expression, even in our work. Our unconscious freely expresses the joy of our imagination and this is so powerful and simple because it is in harmony with creation. We look at children, for them to express themselves is so easy, precisely because they do not have all the adult superstructures.

We still have that childish creative energy within us, which can open the doors of our potential, of our creativity! Working for years with Talent Activation i, and it's always a joy to see how people pleasantly surprise themselves "... but I really wrote it" "... but I really did it" .

Let us be surprised by ourselves. We often think, "but what do you want, what am I going to do, but I have no time ...". Wonderful ideas and projects thus fall on deaf ears. Let's take a first step, let us allow ourselves to free our imagination. Sing!

Take a big breath and sing ... it doesn't matter if you think you're out of tune, it doesn't matter if anyone hears you, the important thing is that it makes you feel good. There are people who have cultivated passions, which later became a job. So the next time you want to sing, do it, if you want to draw, go buy some crayons and draw, you don't need to show what you do to someone, if you don't want to, but allow yourself to express your creativity . It costs little and really gives a lot!

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