Mentastic movements

Fluidity in movement

If we think of waves, can we imagine them in the body? Light and sound are waves with specific frequency and length. The movements developed by Milton Trager generate vibrations that propagate bringing relaxation and lightness that positively influence the whole psychophysical balance . Seen from outside, they are all united by one characteristic: grace. The body, you say, is bound by the flow of time. True. But if the experience to be done on this earthly level had the possibility of living it naturally?

In mentality one works with gravity, one does not oppose it. Trager called this possibility "hook up", a conscious connection to psychosomatic harmonization.

Meditation in motion or in a static that does not forget the internal spirals . An example? Stand or sit comfortably with your arms hanging at your sides. Raise a hand slightly in front of you, as if to touch an invisible harp. Feel the weight of your thumb swinging. Enjoy the weight of your wrist . And here the study through practice. While doing this gesture, is there anything that could be lighter, softer? In other words, the movement that is done or done by itself.

Who is and what does the Trager educator do?

Movement and interaction with the mind

What is the relationship between mind and movement ? The second becomes more harmonious or less harmonious depending on the message that comes from the mind. The mind goes towards non-effort and purification. While the hand is playing the harp, to resume the previous example, I wonder if this can be lighter but without requiring immediate answers. I leave them in the air while I also observe the weight of the other hand that is not "playing": pure proprioception.

The more one plays with the weight of the body and becomes aware of it, the more the mind finds rest. Trager presented this system in public at Esalen, a magnificent institution in California. From there the seminars, the establishment of an institute and the expansion of the method on a global level.

If you are curious, we advise you to explore the mindset with the spirit of those who try to approach their perfection. The body will respond, the knees will automatically unlock, because, as Trager rightly pointed out:

"To soften any movement like walking or jumping, you have to bend your knees . Your knees dampen the blows, so the whole body can remain elastic. My previous activities as a boxer and professional dancer were based on this principle. shots, jolts or sudden gestures. Movements arise from the mind, not from the body. "


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