Gout is an inflammatory form that mainly affects the joints. Let's see how to recognize the symptoms and identify the causes that trigger it.
Gout and symptoms of alterations in the body's acid-base balance
Gout can be one of the direct consequences of blood acidification . It is easy to monitor one's level of acidification by analyzing the pH of the urine to be performed several times a day for several days with a pad of test paper readily available in the pharmacy.
If the Ph is often less than 7 it is possible that you are in a situation of imbalance . Excessive acidification leads to an overload of the kidneys, with consequent difficulty in disposing of matabolic waste, including uric acid.
Even before acute gout symptoms occur , signs of excessive acidification of the organism can be recognized easily. The main ones are:
lack of vitality
digestive problems
redness of the skin
skin impurities
excessive sweating, especially face, hands and feet
intestinal problems, with excessive abdominal swelling
colitis and cramps
sleep disorders.
Acid foods, what they are and how to combine them
Symptoms of gout
Hyperuricemia is the term used to indicate an excessive amount of uric acid in the blood, is diagnosed by blood tests and is the main cause of gout.
When uric acid in the blood is excessive, it is deposited in the form of crystals in the joints.
Gout is recognized by painful symptoms affecting the joints, the target area for the accumulation of uric acid crystals. Their reading is clear, the most recognizable symptoms of gout are those affecting the big toe joint:
acute pain
joint deformation
local hypersensitivity.
The acute phase can last from a few days to about two weeks, and usually, with the elimination of uric acid, the symptoms re-enter.
However, the symptoms of gout can recur more and more frequently if an adequate lifestyle is not adopted and can affect other joints: hands, wrists, knees, ankle are the target of gout .
The causes of gout
The cells have their own life cycles, they are formed and demolished when they reach the end of their life cycle; part of the components are reused, while others are eliminated as waste material. The metabolism of purines, organic substances present in cells, is a normal activity of the human body.
Purines are disposed of via the kidneys and uric acid, a terminal product of the purine grade; however, if the waste products are too many and the uric acid circulating in the blood stream is in too high a quantity for disposal by the kidneys, it can go to form crystals that are deposited mainly in the joints and in clusters that take the name of tophi .
The causes are attributable to an unbalanced lifestyle but also to genetic causes . In any case, a healthy diet, which excludes or limits foods that lead the body to produce excessive amounts of uric acid and which excessively acidify the body, can help in the prevention of acute attacks of gout .
In popular culture, gout was often associated with wealth in the early 1900s, as it manifested itself above all in those situations in which the presence of meat and sausages and alcohol in the diet was predominant.