Silicon for young skin
Silicon for young skin

Silicon for young skin

Tired skin , without tone, graying…. Serves silicon! This very important mineral is an essential element for skin, hair, nails and cartilage. Over time the levels of silicon in our body decrease, especially in conjunction with menopause. Fabrics require elasticity and silicon is an element that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. ...

Mood swings in pregnancy, 3 tips to deal with them

Mood swings in pregnancy, 3 tips to deal with them

Mood swings in pregnancy are normal; we could almost consider them physiological. It happens to very many expectant women to feel euphoric and full of good humor and, maybe, a moment later, scared, doubtful and sad. Pregnancy is a particular period in the life of every future mother and, even when the creature she is carrying has been desired and sought for a long time, it can happen to feel tired, a little down and have an easy tear...

Candida in pregnancy: symptoms and natural remedies

Candida in pregnancy: symptoms and natural remedies

Let's face it sincerely: pregnancy is already difficult, candida is also missing. Yes, of course, hormones help a lot to feel detached from the world and in a bliss that only affects us and our growing creature. But the accumulation of hardships that rises over the months can become really excessive...

Stye and chalazion, differences and remedies

Stye and chalazion, differences and remedies

Stye and chalazion: differences The difference between stye and chalazion may appear difficult to detect, because both these disorders appear as pimples on the eyelids. A few basic notions are enough, however, to know how to distinguish them. Stye consists of a bacterial inflammation at the level of the eyelashes, which affects the Zeiss gland ...

How to manage pressure in pregnancy

How to manage pressure in pregnancy

During pregnancy, blood pressure tends to change. In the first months it is usually lower than normal, with consequent possible dizziness and vertigo. Later, especially starting from the twentieth week , it tends to increase and it is not uncommon for hypertension to appear. Manage low blood pressure during pregnancy In the first months of pregnancy, if the pressure is low , one must pay close attention to the dizziness and vertigo that may result...

How to prolong the regenerating effects of holidays

How to prolong the regenerating effects of holidays

Summer has given many of us a break from the daily routine. A regenerating pause , from which you come out fuller, relaxed and energetic. On vacation, in fact, we give ourselves permission to stop or slow down, and this allows us to (re) tune in to us and become aware of things that have escaped us during the daily races...

Obesity and overweight: the risks

Obesity and overweight: the risks

When you are obese or overweight The obese, overweight and extra pounds in general are, as the website of the Ministry of Health explains, one of the main public health problems: according to official data collected in 2010 by the Passi surveillance system, in Italy 32% of the adults are overweight , while 11% are obese...

Psychofitness: breath, food, Morpheus and comparison with others

Psychofitness: breath, food, Morpheus and comparison with others

What is now called psicofitness is nothing but an ancient recipe of happiness close to more than one religion among those that have not relegated the body to the building of sin. Psychofitness and neurogenesis Feeling good is moving on several fronts. The discipline identified as psychofitness moves transversally between psychology, neurobiology, food science and physical activity...

Proper sleep hygiene

Proper sleep hygiene

Preparing to go to sleep is a practice that perhaps does not belong to many, because fortunately there are also those who can sleep even standing up, but for many it should become a ritual, if there are difficulties in falling asleep or frequently interrupted sleep. In fact, sleep hygiene means simple rules of good behavior to promote night rest ...

Naturally strengthen the hair with the arrival of summer

Naturally strengthen the hair with the arrival of summer

Summer has arrived and with it sun, sea, heat, rubber bands, salt water and chlorine: it's hair alarm! Especially if, having reached a certain length, they begin to break, knot more easily, ruin and dry . Do not lose your patience, do not run sad from the hairdresser with a drastic cut on your head: here are some repair tips to keep your hair healthy and strong, despite the colors (yes, because even henna can dry your hair a little ...

Overcoming victimhood with self-esteem and self-awareness

Overcoming victimhood with self-esteem and self-awareness

In my time-lost coaching (I'm retired) I realized that one of the most difficult tasks is to manage people who suffer from victimization . And in the area I frequent, where people of a certain age often live, characters with these characteristics are very frequent. Of course, I am not talking about real psychopathologies, such as paranoia or connected syndromes, but attitudes, often unconscious, sometimes episodic, but most of the times well rooted, which have conditioned and continue to condition the lives of those who are subjected to it, and unfortunately, even of those who live there to...

Sunbathing in pregnancy: can you?

Sunbathing in pregnancy: can you?

Pregnancy is not a disease; it is a particular condition in a woman's life and reproductive cycle. With the necessary precautions you can do everything, even sunbathe , unless it has been contraindicated by the doctor for some reason. What precautions should you take to expose yourself to the sun safely during pregnancy...

Being a mom today

Being a mom today

Let's start with an eternal fact, a true assumption yesterday, today and certainly tomorrow: the mother figure has an extremely important role in the emotional and psychological growth of children . Furthermore, despite the fact that the role of fathers has changed a lot in the last few years, the mother is still the one who most devotes herself to looking after children and managing the house ...

Cholecystitis: symptoms, causes and all remedies

Cholecystitis: symptoms, causes and all remedies

For years we live without even knowing we have it , then suddenly, perhaps after a pregnancy, maybe because we are overweight, or for many other reasons, it "wakes up" and makes people talk about it. It is the gallbladder, or gallbladder , bile collection basin produced by the liver . When it ignites, literally "they are pains": it is cholecystitis ...

February 11 in support of the sick

February 11 in support of the sick

Why the World Day of the Sick On May 13, 1992 John Paul II instituted this day in the name of all those who found themselves before the pathology, the body-mind imbalance. A party that also touches family members and wants to be of absolute support . The Pope had thought of this occasion as " a special moment of prayer and sharing, of offering suffering " ...

Organic and inorganic silicon, differences

Organic and inorganic silicon, differences

We continue to hear about organic silicon and the multiple properties of this mineral in various kinds of supplements . However, EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, has not expressed itself with particular impetus, merely declaring that "they are supplements that do not hurt but there is no evidence to assert that they have any real beneficial effect for the body"...

Psoriasis of the hands: symptoms and natural remedies

Psoriasis of the hands: symptoms and natural remedies

Psoriasis is a skin disease that often affects the hands, particularly at the level of the knuckles. Let's see what are the symptoms of psoriasis of the hands and natural remedies to treat it . Symptoms of psoriasis of the hands Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin and can appear in various areas of the body; psoriasis generally affects the back, the scalp, the extensor surfaces of the joints, ie the elbows, knees and knuckles of the hands...

Donate blood: a small infinitely important gesture

Donate blood: a small infinitely important gesture

If we look beyond the boundaries of our lives, we would soon realize how (in most cases) the problems that distress us are futile compared to the tragedies that are consumed every day in the world. If we embrace all the pain that unfortunately lives on the Earth, the weight of our powerlessness would crush us: what are we, small and limited, compared to the horrors that are perpetually perpetuated...

Does auto-erotism make you lose weight?

Does auto-erotism make you lose weight?

By MySecretCase That masturbating is not detrimental to health but, on the contrary, brings various benefits from a physical and psychological point of view, we are, little by little, learning. Science confirms that masturbation reduces stress, improves sleep, promotes good humor and facilitates couple pleasure...

Moringa oleifera and breastfeeding

Moringa oleifera and breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a wonderful act of love , the natural continuum of the unique relationship between mother and child, throughout the period of pregnancy. It is a period full of changes, novelty and emotions, which generate an indissoluble bond and help the mother and the child to get to know each other and start together an inseparable growth path...

We celebrate the day of good sleep

We celebrate the day of good sleep

World sleep day is an annual event that wants to be a celebration of good sleep and to focus on important issues related to proper sleep hygiene . It is organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of the WASM (World Association of Sleep Medicine). To paraphrase the slogan, if you sleep well and deeply, health and happiness abound, and it really is; in order to stay healthy it is therefore essential to cure sleep, preventing and / or facing in the right way any disorders related to it...

Intestinal disorders in pregnancy, causes and remedies

Intestinal disorders in pregnancy, causes and remedies

The digestive system is the one that is most affected by uterine growth and the hormonal changes typical of pregnancy, which is why intestinal disorders are very frequent in the nine months preceding birth. Causes of intestinal disorders in pregnancy In the first trimester of pregnancy the most frequent discomfort is represented by morning sickness, which sometimes is accompanied by vomiting; these disorders are mainly caused by high levels of estrogen and HCG in the blood ...

Crohn's disease and Moringa oleifera

Crohn's disease and Moringa oleifera

The gastrointestinal system is the main part of the digestive system and is responsible for the enzymatic decomposition of food and the absorption of water and the nutrients contained in them, as well as the expulsion of fecal material. Its correct functioning is of vital importance for the survival of the individual, as it represents the instrument with which it naturally assumes nourishment to carry out all its physiological functions...

False myths and truth about lice

False myths and truth about lice

School time and ... one of the parents' bogeys is the notice on the bulletin board that informs about the sighting of lice on some head, around classrooms and corridors. How to behave? Let's see what to do and what not to do and some false myths and some truth about the louses . Lice = poor hygiene False ...

Social anxiety, what it is and how to overcome it

Social anxiety, what it is and how to overcome it

Social anxiety , otherwise called social phobia , is a disorder that could seem almost anachronistic in a society that is so social , where people talk about themselves and their activities, even with those who do not know themselves through a myriad of tools that new technologies bring available. Rather rather ...

Children's New Year: organizing a party at home

Children's New Year: organizing a party at home

Are you planning to organize New Year's Eve dinner at home and you need ideas for New Year with children? Here are some ideas. l New Year's menu for children A menu for children should be simple, even on New Year's. If you plan to host a one or two year old child, organize yourself so that you can prepare a pastina dish topped with vegetable purée, fresh cheese or, if you want to respect tradition, lentil purée. ...

The benefits of theater for children

The benefits of theater for children

What supports a growing child in addition to a proper diet and an adequate dose of movement? The possibility of expressing one's own spirit and being nourished by contact with others. The theater makes this possible. Let's see why it is important to include theater in the activities to do during growth...

Children and diaper: we answer the most frequently asked questions

Children and diaper: we answer the most frequently asked questions

We dissolve doubts and inaccuracies regarding diaper use and give some practical advice by answering the most common questions. Children: diaper change There are two simple - but fundamental - rules to learn when trying for the first few times in diaper changing: keep everything close at hand and never leave children alone on the changing table, even for a moment...

How to give wellness to the lymphatic system

How to give wellness to the lymphatic system

When we feel a sense of heaviness, perhaps associated with joint stiffness, swelling, a general sense of exhaustion, our lymphatic system may be suffering. This possibility is often underestimated, but in fact this apparatus is of fundamental importance because it regulates the hydraulics of the body and the disposal of toxins that accumulate as much at the table as with less bright thoughts...

Fibrinous bronchitis: symptoms, causes, remedies

Fibrinous bronchitis: symptoms, causes, remedies

It is easy to say bronchitis. The bronchitis is not all the same : acute or chronic, with or without asthma supplied. These are lower respiratory tract infections caused by viruses or bacteria. There is bronchitis resulting from other infections (for example tuberculosis) and that which affects the already weakened organism...

Intestinal Candida: Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

Intestinal Candida: Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

Candida, as we now know, is a fungus that generally dwells silent in our body. Like other pathogens it is called commensal, it feeds on sugars and does not bother our system if in balanced conditions. However, when we are in a weakened condition, so our immune system is compromised or suppressed, the diner turns, awakens and exercises his pathogenic influences...

Vitamins for hair

Vitamins for hair

Vitamins are important molecules for the health of the body, for the balance of the skin and for the beauty of hair . Vitamin deficiencies lead to imbalances that also occur through hair that can present excessive dryness and fragility, dandruff or oily skin. Let's see what are the most important vitamins for hair and treatments to do at home ...

The Worldpress Photo 2015, the homophobia and the nature of love

The Worldpress Photo 2015, the homophobia and the nature of love

The winner of the World Press Photo 2015 is the Danish Mads Nissen. The photo shows two men, Jon and Alex , in an intimate moment of communication between skin and eyes. After an evening spent exchanging opinions, joking, laughing, the two invited the photographer to climb. And in the night the magic of shooting was created...

In pregnancy, cradled by the sea

In pregnancy, cradled by the sea

And who said that you can't give yourself an aperitif on the beach? Have you considered the non-alcoholic variant? And do you have the right cream for your skin type? These and other devices for future mothers who do not want to give up the sea. How to experience pregnancy on the beach, avoiding body overheating and pressure drops...

Kindergarten, the children, emotions

Kindergarten, the children, emotions

A valuable meeting was held in Civitanova Marche on 19 September entitled "Educating children about love". Now, this is a top priority, can't you find it? And in fact, although the meeting had been organized not too early but strongly wanted, the room was packed with mothers, educators, support teachers, teachers etc...

Test for natural remedies against pimples

Test for natural remedies against pimples

# mce_temp_url # Natural remedies for pimples can be taken in the form of food supplements for internal use, or applied directly to the skin, using natural plant-based cosmetics with an astringent , purifying and sebum-balancing action . Rather than waging war against unsightly pimples, we should consider them as a way that our body uses to eliminate waste through the skin , one of the "excretory organs " along with the lungs, liver, kidneys, and intestines...

Copper and zinc hair supplements: when to use them?

Copper and zinc hair supplements: when to use them?

Leaves fall and hair falls out! Autumn is the most critical season for our hair and it happens to everyone without distinction. There are those who can afford it and who unfortunately has to run for cover with various methods that stop the fall and that are not the mere floor !!! You'll forgive the inflated joke, won't you...

Premature babies: causes and prevention

Premature babies: causes and prevention

World premature baby 2014 day The World Premature Children's Day , celebrated on November 17th, emphasized the importance of prevention , the need to have birth points increasingly equipped to deal with these cases and the need for adequate post-hospital care. We tried to draw attention especially to those born from extremely preterm birth, that is before 28 weeks...

Anemia, the main types

Anemia, the main types

We think of pale and emaciated girls, or we stigmatize vegans with catastrophic phrases like: "but where do you find the iron" ... Anemia is a known pathology but perhaps only superficially: it is serious because having anemia means that our cells do not receive the right amount of oxygen and therefore find it hard to live...

5 Books to start the new year well

5 Books to start the new year well

Books, herbal teas and cuddles The first few months of the year are the best to read , or rather to choose what to read: we have physiologically in mind a bit of good intentions, in some cases it is still cold, so you are at home willingly, pampered on the sofa, between the pages of a good book, with an herbal tea or a hot chocolate in your hands and, for the lucky ones, a crackling open fireplace...

Stress: the 10 most effective remedies

Stress: the 10 most effective remedies

What is stress? Stress is the set of reactions put in place by an individual in front of external stimuli perceived as destabilizing, unexpected and often threatening. Whether it is an intense period of work, or an unexpected change, stressful situations vary from person to person , and induce a change in the balance of those who suffer them, both physically and mentally and emotionally...