Intestinal Candida: Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

Candida, as we now know, is a fungus that generally dwells silent in our body. Like other pathogens it is called commensal, it feeds on sugars and does not bother our system if in balanced conditions. However, when we are in a weakened condition, so our immune system is compromised or suppressed, the diner turns, awakens and exercises his pathogenic influences.

Causes of intestinal candida

The causes that can trigger intestinal candida are to be attributed to different situations and interactions.

> Antibiotic therapies can deplete the intestinal flora, lower the immune system and leave the candida fungus proliferating.

> A diet rich in sugars, a nutrient that favors an environment suitable for the development of yeast in the pathogen.

> Autoimmune diseases that assume a different reactivity of the immune system and the intake of immunosuppressive drugs that on the one hand manage the pathology of which one is suffering, on the other hand expose the organism to the attack of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, including the candida.

There are other causes related to very serious pathologies such as HIV and cancer, against which intestinal candida is a complication, but this is a very complex area that deserves a separate discussion.

Symptoms of intestinal candida

The symptoms of intestinal candida are multiple and heterogeneous. In fact it is not always easy to diagnose the presence of the fungus and its proliferation because some symptoms are comparable to those of other diseases.

> Digestive difficulties : candida alters the enzymatic response that leads to the slowing down of digestion and the formation of swellings and intestinal gases, sometimes with the appearance of spasms.

> Malabsorption of nutrients, due to the alteration of the intestinal bacterial flora with the appearance of alternating phenomena of constipation and diarrhea, similar to colitis.

> Fatigue and indefinite malaise with the appearance of fever and bony pains, due not only to the presence of intestinal candida, but to the more widespread forms of infection or inflammation.

Remedies for Intestinal Candida

In severe cases, a pharmacological treatment based on selective antifungals is recommended, which the doctor will deem most suitable.

Nature provides us with some very useful remedies for assisting drugs or for prevention if our immune system is weakened by antibiotic treatment or if we find ourselves in stressful situations that can weaken us and put our health at risk.

> Grapefruit seed extract remedy that we can find in dry extract or in hydroalcoholic formulation. Its effectiveness until now is completely empirical and not supported by scientific studies, but those who have undergone this remedy can testify to effective results against bacteria such as heliycobacter pylori, escherichia coli and against fungi such as candida albicans. Whoever starts a therapy with a preventive treatment based on grapefruit seed extract must be careful not to expose themselves to the sun, as it is a photo-sensitizing remedy and therefore causes discoloration spots on the skin.

> Probiotics: they are good bacteria that we can introject to increase the defenses of the intestinal flora. On the market we find various types, lactobacilli, saccharomycetes, bacilli coagulans. A daily intake of 10 billion good bacteria helps our immune system to defend itself.

> Feeding : it is good to take care of the diet by limiting or even suspending for a certain period the intake of foods rich in sugars, such as carbohydrates, white bread, milk and dairy products, aged cheeses. Instead, fiber, cereals, fish and white meat are to be encouraged.

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