Fibrinous bronchitis: symptoms, causes, remedies

It is easy to say bronchitis. The bronchitis is not all the same : acute or chronic, with or without asthma supplied.

These are lower respiratory tract infections caused by viruses or bacteria. There is bronchitis resulting from other infections (for example tuberculosis) and that which affects the already weakened organism. In short, it is right to know every form of bronchitis to learn more about our body and our health.

Together we investigate a type of bronchitis that is infrequent and unknown to most: fibrin bronchitis . Let's discover together symptoms, causes and remedies for fibrinous bronchitis.

Fibrinous bronchitis: the symptoms

Fibrinous bronchitis, also called pseudo-membranous bronchitis, is a rare form of acute bronchitis, so some of the symptoms are common to all other types of acute bronchitis.

Specifically, the symptoms of fibrin bronchitis are:

> Cough

> Presence of asthma

> Breathing difficulties

> Mucous and purulent catarrh

> Hemorrhagic catarrh

> Presence in fibrin phlegm (a molecule that participates in blood coagulation)

> Presence in the sputum of micro-formations that reflect the internal shape of the bronchi ( bronchial mold )

> Possible fever

Fibrinous bronchitis: causes

We have seen that fibrinous bronchitis is a form of acute bronchitis. The causes of bronchitis in general are to be attributed to viral infections or toxic polluting atmospheric agents.

The specific causes of fibrinous bronchitis are:

> Primitive idiopathic causes, ie it is not possible to trace the primary agent that caused fibrin bronchitis

> Secondary causes, ie fibrinous bronchitis develops following other infections or pathologies present, such as diphtheria, typhoid and pneumonia.

Fibrinous bronchitis: remedies

To find the right remedies one must always go back to the causes, as a first action. In the case of fibrinous bronchitis this rule is even more valid. It is necessary to define whether it is primary or secondary fibrinous bronchitis.

In the case it is primary, we must define if there are viruses or bacteria at the root of the infection and in this case prepare the specific remedies.

If instead it is fibrin bronchitis secondary to other diseases such as diphtheria, typhoid or pneumonia, these will be treated first.

It will be the duty of the treating physician to determine the diagnosis and define the correct therapy.

Here are some remedies that can mitigate symptoms in acute bronchitis :

> Drink a lot

> Keep the air humidified in living and working environments

> Do not smoke

> Do not expose yourself to passive smoking or other air pollutants or smog

> Rest as much as possible

> Breathe slowly: inhale deeply, then exhale slowly with your mouth, parting your lips

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