Ayurvedic therapy

The basis of Ayurvedic medicine

Ayurvedic medicine is a complex medical system that includes prevention and treatment aspects aimed at lengthening and improving the life of the human being in harmony with nature. For Ayurvedic medicine, balance between man and the environment means health, while imbalance is due to illness.

Each physical entity is characterized by a habitus, consisting of three elements / forces called doshas : vata (air and space), pitta (fire) and kapha (earth and water). In each individual, these forces are present in always different combinations. Based on this, Ayurvedic remedies are prepared. Among these, pharmaceutical preparations of animal and vegetable origin, dietary and behavioral measures , meditation, yoga and ayurvedic massage.

Ayurvedic therapy

Following a diagnostic phase, Ayurvedic therapy can focus on one of the most pivotal aspects of Ayurvedic medicine. Let's see them briefly.

The term Shodan means a phase of detoxification . The toxins, roots of evil, are expelled by different techniques, including nasal shower, purges and vomit . To rebalance the intestinal flora, we recommend the ingestion of foods such as ghee, clarified butter, or diluted yogurt . Even an ayurvedic massage with herbal oils allows deep cleaning.

Shaman indicates a process of attenuation instead. This ayuvedic therapy focuses on the balance of body doshas and is therefore focused on the spiritual part of healing. What do you expect? Meditation, yoga, singing, fasting, breathing, sunbathing and a combination of herbs and pepper.

Rasayana means rejuvenation. It is an Ayurvedic therapy focused on toning . For this reason, special herbs, powders, ointments and specific mineral preparations are used for each condition of the person and for each dosha, combining specific exercises, yoga positions and breathing exercises such as pranayama .

Finally, Satvajaya means an ayurvedic therapy of mental hygiene and spiritual healing. The psychological and emotional stresses are released here. To do this, mantras are recited or sound therapies are adopted. Other tricks include tantric meditation and crystal therapy.

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