Cardiac arrhythmia: types, symptoms, causes

Life is rhythm . Yes, even for you who do not love music and are always "out of time". The hair grows, the skin regenerates, the intestine contracts and relaxes. But above all the heart : "Batte. Forte. Semper", as the advertisement says. That's right.

Our organs have their own rhythm, unique and different from person to person and from situation to situation. There are also moments in which this rhythm finds it hard to remain in its balance .

There is talk of a-ritmia, loss of rhythm . What does it mean if the heart is out of time?

Cardiac arrhythmia: the types

There is talk of cardiac arrhythmias, or a group of pathologies with different manifestations and different causes, always linked to an alteration of the muscular contraction of the heart, and consequently of heart beats.

They are divided into:

  • Extrasystoles : the most common and harmless. It is not, as the name would imply, an extra heartbeat (systole) (extra) but a heartbeat that occurs earlier than it should, and therefore also called " premature beating " .
  • Fibrillation and atrial flutter : the walls of the heart, in the area of ​​the atria, "fibrillate" that is, they do not contract in synchrony as they should (in flutter they contract with synchrony but at high frequency). The greatest risks occur when, as a result of this asynchrony, the blood stagnates and can form "lumps" (thrombi).
  • Paroxysmal tachycardia : an excessive frequency of the heartbeat, which begins and ends suddenly. If the frequency increases excessively, there can be serious health risks .
  • Ventricular tachycardia : originates in the area of ​​the ventricles and causes a rhythmic but very rapid heartbeat . If it persists for a long time it can become dangerous as the blood does not enter the body .
  • Ventricular fibrillation : the ventricles do not receive synchronous electrical signals, so they cannot contract properly. As a result, the heart does not pump blood to the body. It is a situation of extreme danger that requires immediate medical intervention, with a defibrillator .
  • Bradycardia : heart rate is low compared to the norm (ie less than 50 beats per minute). It can cause little blood flow to the organs, and especially to the brain (causing loss of consciousness, or syncope). It is typical of athletes who practice at competitive levels.

Atrial fibrillation: a valid aid from acupuncture

Cardiac arrhythmia: symptoms

Some minor arrhythmias are asymptomatic, while others can be very marked (and dangerous). Among the various types of symptoms, here are the main ones: palpitations, shortness of breath, sudden excessive sweating, pain and tightness in the chest, fatigue, headache, nausea, fear, dizziness, frequent and abundant urination.

In particular:

  1. Extrasystoles are often asymptomatic, they can be felt as a "blow" in the chest or throat or even as a "pause" of the beat.
  2. Atrial fibrillation can be asymptomatic or give palpitations, dizziness, difficulty breathing, mental confusion, fainting.

Cardiac arrhythmia: the causes

The causes of the arrhythmia are to be found in already existing pathologies, or are secondary to physiological situations . Here are the main ones:

  • Imbalance of potassium and calcium minerals (electrolytes) in the blood.
  • Heart disease, heart failure, myocardial infarction, pericarditis or myocarditis.
  • Heart valve disorders.
  • Thyroid disorders (hyperthyroidism).
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Night apnea

Causes related to incorrect lifestyle :

  • excessive consumption of coffee,
  • Energy Drinks,
  • alcohol and spirits,
  • smoke,
  • drug use (cocaine, amphetamines),
  • excessive stress.

Also some drugs can cause arrhythmias (antibradycardia drugs, medicines containing Digitalis).

The sport practiced at a competitive level can lead to bradycardia, which is however physiological and harmless . As can also happen in pregnancy, when the fetus pressing on the chest, the new hormonal balance, the difficulties of breathing and circulation can give rise to arrhythmias: palpitations or extrasystoles.

Don't worry, but contact your doctor, who will suggest whether further analysis is appropriate or if you can treat yourself with excessive anxiety or stress (you know, there are many worries in pregnancy!)

Tachycardia in pregnancy, causes and remedies

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