Back to school, the good habits that help in the study

The first day of school is a bit like New Year, it's a new beginning; everything is zeroed and starts again from the beginning.

For some children and young people the resumption of school activities is full of enthusiasm and positive emotions; for others it can be a source of tension and anxiety. In both cases, after about three months of vacation, the return to school will bring a remarkable change in everyday life; good habits help a lot to find the right concentration.

The importance of a good sleep routine

Children and adolescents should sleep 9-10 hours a night . Proper sleep is essential for well-being; if the child or adolescent does not sleep enough to be affected, it is not only the academic performance and the ability to concentrate. Those who do not sleep sufficiently are also nervous, restless and more prone to anxiety.

It is essential, therefore, to have a regular and healthy sleep routine that provides, as the main rule, to go to bed early, always at about the same time .

The importance of a healthy breakfast

A good breakfast is very important not only for the health and well-being of the child but also for a good academic performance. In fact, there are numerous studies that correlate a correct breakfast with a greater analytical and memory capacity and an improvement in the threshold of attention, understanding and listening.

What should children's breakfast be like? Healthy, nutritious, light and even delicious. It must contain complex carbohydrates, which bring sugar and give energy throughout the morning (for example cereals, bread, rusks ...), proteins (for example yogurt or milk), vitamins, minerals and fiber.

To complete a breakfast of yoghurt and cereals, you can add a juice or a seasonal fruit . For greedy children, a nice slice of homemade cake is also good, accompanied by fresh juice.

And for a mid-morning snack? This should also be light, for example a fruit, a small sandwich with a little honey or jam or a couple of homemade cookies.

Password: movement

The beginning of school is a great time to resume (or to begin with) sports activities. Movement is good not only for physical fitness, but also for concentration and mood . It is not necessary to enroll children in a thousand activities or to force them to practice sports that they do not like.

The ideal would be to be able to find a physical activity of their liking, otherwise it is enough to organize to move a little; for example, make a habit of going to school on foot (if distances allow, of course), take a bike ride or play outdoors regularly.

The important thing is to move regularly, perhaps trying to spend good time outdoors.

And the homework?

Tasks help to deal with the dimension of duty, develop the ability to organize and promote independent learning .

In order not to make them become a drama it is useful to establish a routine ; for example, deciding that you start at a certain time and dedicate a corner of the house (which can be the bedroom, but also the kitchen table, the important thing is to get organized).

If the child needs help we try to provide it without stress and screams. If he does not ask us for help, we let him manage his tasks independently .

Read also Children: school is beautiful >>

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