Let's discover the Neurac rehabilitation method
natural therapies
Let's discover the Neurac rehabilitation method

Let's discover the Neurac rehabilitation method

The Neurac rehabilitation method comes from Norway and it is in effect a rehabilitation treatment and a way to return to physical exercise. After an initial initial assessment, gradual steps are taken to improve and recover the dysfunctions. It improves over the short term, but it also works to ensure that the improvement persists and is maintained; this movement therapy works to preserve the recovered functions and to reduce the risk of relapses...

Chiropractor: the law and professional requirements today in Italy

Chiropractor: the law and professional requirements today in Italy

The law and the professional requirements of the chiropractor The reference point for chiropractors in Italy is the Italian Chiropractor Association (AIC) which is the National Organization that represents the Doctors of Chiropractic who practice in Italy. AIC was founded in 1974 with the aim of regulating and promoting the profession in Italy...

Rheumatoid arthritis in acupuncture

Rheumatoid arthritis in acupuncture

Rheumatic diseases are among the most widespread diseases in the Italian population, after cardiovascular and tumor diseases; in fact, it is estimated that 5 million patients suffer from rheumatic diseases , of which 287 thousand have different severity and evolutionary characteristics up to permanent disability (National Association for Rheumatic Diseases - ANMAR 2008); it is therefore a series of chronic and degenerative inflammatory pathologies with a great impact on morbidity and disability, so as to compromise, in many cases, the life expectancy of the affected subjects...

Anatripsis, the Mediterranean massage

Anatripsis, the Mediterranean massage

Mediterranean - the " sea ​​between the lands " - crossroads of peoples, cultures, languages, religions, which have made it the beating heart of the Old World. To mark the history of the "great sea", the name with which it was known in the Jewish tradition, were not, only the climate, the winds or the currents, but the men (navigators, merchants, missionaries, condottieri, pilgrims), who, putting in contact the most remote regions of this vast basin, have made it "perhaps the most dynamic place of interaction between different societies on the face of the planet "....

Aloe vera to drink: when it is really useful

Aloe vera to drink: when it is really useful

Drinking Aloe Vera is a concentrated juice of leaf gel rich in polysaccharides. It purifies our body, deeply moisturizes it, disinfects the mucous membranes, especially the gastric one, helps intestinal functions, decongests the skin and revitalizes it. Some people who own the aloe plant extract the gel in a "home" manner , but for internal use this practice is not recommended because aloe contains aloin, an anthraquinone component and at home the gel cannot be separated from this irritating substance on the intestinal mucosa...

Ayurveda: skin and Doshas

Ayurveda: skin and Doshas

The skin of an individual begins to form from the moment of conception , or when the sperm and the egg unite in the uterus and give rise to a new life. When the sperm reaches the egg, a hot energy like fire (so called Agni) begins to move, which allows not only a process of multiplication and expansion of the cells of the "new" being but also the formation of a protective substance around the egg: the skin ...

Autumn leaves: to accept changes

Autumn leaves: to accept changes

Autumn leaves is one of 69 Australian flowers collected and studied by Ian White, a precursor of flower therapy derived from the species found in the Australian bush. Australian flowers are prepared with the same principle as Bach flowers are prepared: the raw material, the flower, is collected at a certain point in its life cycle and left to macerate in water and brandy...

The benefits of Californian massage

The benefits of Californian massage

Californian massage The name says it all. Californian massage . Born in full " new age ", on the coasts of California, more precisely in San Francisco, a city known for the Golden Gate Bridge, its trams and its steep climbs and descents. What is so special about this massage? The liberation of the body, the expression of feelings and the overall balance of the person...

Balance and posture

Balance and posture

It is common to meet people who complain about their posture and would like to have a different posture. Posture is seen as a static body configuration, it is a classic that mothers say "Stand straight!" To the children. This imperative has something rigid, fixed, and even imposing straight shoulders and belly in is a stretch...

Facial reflexology and stress

Facial reflexology and stress

What is stress? Our body adapts to changes . Sometimes in a positive way, more frequently in a negative way. When the changes hurt us, a breach is opened to the possibility of damaging the balance that we should always hold in the chest, in the organs, in the lucid and peaceful mind. More and more frequently, we let what we commonly refer to as one of the most abused terms of our era come in: stress ...

Music and movement

Music and movement

All Olodanza exercises (with very few exceptions) are practiced by listening to appropriate music. So there is the vibrant music for the energetic awakening, the light rhythm for swaying, the sinuous one for the sensual movements, the well-paced one for the spontaneous strong dances, the one containing a socializing ritual vocality for the tribal dance, the melodic type emotional, the "sliding" one for relaxation, the more widespread character, linear for a meditative application, the flow one for the support of the voice (which could be monotonous for a simple listening, but gives th...

Properties of the pearl

Properties of the pearl

In crystal therapy, despite the name, not only crystals are used . Sometimes we see in the hands of therapists or market stalls also simple rocks (often tumbled), various fossils such as amber or fossil wood or other particular materials. Among the latter is the pearl, a spherical aragonite tumbled naturally from some molluscs...

The symbol of Pa-kua in Taoism

The symbol of Pa-kua in Taoism

The symbol brings together the eight disciplines that constitute a COMPLETE life system, all inherent in personal cultivation. Let's look at the "stripes" that surround the sphere. We start from the first at the top, left diagonal, the one with the whole lines. Three continuous lines TAO OF THE PHILOSOPHY It reveals the networks that make up the world, the logic on which they stand...

Orthomolecular medicine and nutritional requirements

Orthomolecular medicine and nutritional requirements

Orthomolecular medicine: what it is Orthomolecular medicine consists of a nutritional therapeutic practice. This alternative therapy involves balanced nutrition and an ad hoc dosage of vitamins, dietary minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids, pro-hormones, probiotics, dietary fibers and short-chain intestinal fatty acids...

Is there a hygienist therapy?

Is there a hygienist therapy?

Hygienism is a philosophy of life, a simple application of laws observable in Nature. The theoretical assumptions on which hygiene is based are physiology, anatomy, biology and bionomy or ecology. According to this, hygienism asserts that everything is determined by natural laws , in which there is no place for the "fatalistic risk" of the microbe or virus...

METAMORFICA® TECHNIQUE or Pre-natal Reflexology

METAMORFICA® TECHNIQUE or Pre-natal Reflexology

METAMORFICA® TECHNIQUE "METAMORPHOSIS" ... ... .. BURN BUTTERFLY The Metamorphic Technique is a simple tool that allows us to abandon a sense of limitation in order to reach our potential more closely. In a nutshell: it helps us to help ourselves. The Metamorphic Technique is based on the formative period of the human being from his conception to birth, where the potential of human life is implanted....

How a Reiki treatment is performed

How a Reiki treatment is performed

The Reiki treatment is usually, and so it should always be, as far as possible, preceded by a brief interview with the Reiki-therapist, who will be informed in broad terms of why you want to undergo treatment, of your general physical health and of particular cases (for example a pregnancy in progress) or of important illnesses (as for example diabetes), and of your contingent emotional state...

Natural muscle relaxants, what are they?

Natural muscle relaxants, what are they?

Muscle relaxants are remedies to relax the muscles . They can act on nerve transmission to inhibit the painful message, or act as an anti-spasm. There are very effective and useful natural muscle relaxants in the case of chronic problems , which require prolonged hiring, even for life, for which the continuous intake of a drug could lead to unpleasant side effects in the long term...

Family doctor ... manual

Family doctor ... manual

Manual Medicine is a medical diagnostic and therapeutic act that uses exclusively or predominantly the hands of the operator, possibly with the help of simple tools to amplify its effectiveness. Importance of Manual Medicine In Tuscany, Manual Medicine is one of the five accredited "complementary" medical disciplines, together with Acupuncture, Phytotherapy, Homeopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine, as they are considered scientifically appropriate, of proven efficacy and widely appreciated by the public...

The agreement between doctor or therapist and patient

The agreement between doctor or therapist and patient

Knowing oneself is also knowing one's limits. To deal with a doctor or therapist , a fortiori, means relying on experts who will be such, but will always have limits as human beings. The same patience and care that you put in listening to your symptoms , in understanding the nature of the body, try to adopt it also in the relationship with those who care for you...

Chromopuncture as a solution to conflicts and developmental therapy

Chromopuncture as a solution to conflicts and developmental therapy

In the world of polarity, says Peter Mandel (founder of Exogetic Cromopuncture), "conflicts represent the propellant that makes forward movement possible". Man has the ability to recognize conflict, evaluate it and eventually overcome it, but the opposite also happens, choosing to stop in front of the obstacle by taking a passive attitude, in this case he will try to circumvent the obstacle or remove it...

Treat the cold with water and salt

Treat the cold with water and salt

Nasal washes with water and salt , as well as fumigations , can be very useful in case of colds: let's see how water and salt can help us cure colds. Nasal colds: how and when to do them Nasal washes with saline solution are particularly useful in case of a cold to remove excess mucus, clear the airways and disinfect the mucous membranes...

Ayurveda in Italy

Ayurveda in Italy

Ayurvedic medicine Ayurvedic medicine is a complex medical system that includes prevention and treatment aspects aimed at lengthening and improving the life of the human being in harmony with nature. Traces of Ayurvedic medicine and its mythological origins can be found in Indian texts of more than five thousand years ago, but the testimonies become more consistent around 1500 BC Nowadays, a large percentage of Indians have recourse, or even recourse to, this medical current that has gained not a few followers even in other parts of the world...

Plantar reflexology against menopausal disorders

Plantar reflexology against menopausal disorders

Menopause is a phase of very delicate female life, which some women live with concern. It is a clear passage, a sort of demarcation line that sanctions the term of fertile age, from a biological point of view. Unfortunately, this change is not always painless, both at the chemical and physical and also at the psychological level...

Living the house with chromotherapy

Living the house with chromotherapy

Chromotherapy tips Chromotherapy is an integrative medicine that uses colors to rebalance altered energy flows. At the base of chromotherapy there is the conviction that colors can influence the body and mind of the person, in order to restore and favor balance or even control certain disorders. This therapeutic method uses chromatic vibrations to restore an altered energy balance...

Tsa-La-Tak-Pa: pulse reading in Tibetan medicine

Tsa-La-Tak-Pa: pulse reading in Tibetan medicine

Pulse reading in Tibetan medicine In the tradition of Tibetan medicine, the technique of reading the pulse is very different from that of other oriental medicines, so much so that it becomes difficult to make comparisons. The palpation of the wrist is undoubtedly the most important method of diagnosis ...

Chinese phytotherapy: sacred, ancient, effective

Chinese phytotherapy: sacred, ancient, effective

The ancient art of herbs Traditional Chinese medicine, certainly the oldest among traditional medicines, is the harmoniously complete expression of the spirit and culture that has developed over the centuries. Its fundamental principles are the same that inform the global vision of the world of the philosophy and religion of China...

Anxiety insomnia, cure with natural remedies

Anxiety insomnia, cure with natural remedies

You can sleep on the sofa for a while, sleep comes effortlessly when the mind is distracted by the movie of the evening that remains to rock it in the background; but here is that when there is to slip under the covers of the bed everything changes: it starts with the best intentions, but it is there in ambush, it is the insomnia ...

The benefits of lactic ferments

The benefits of lactic ferments

The main benefits of lactic ferments for humans concern the action they exert on many vital processes, indispensable for the physiological development of the organism, first of all How to take care of intestinal bacterial flora "> the balance of intestinal bacterial flora , defined as the set of microorganisms that populate the human gastrointestinal system...

Ayurvedic powder and massage: let's discover udgharshana!

Ayurvedic powder and massage: let's discover udgharshana!

Liquids, foamy, similar to soft mousse or cream curls: these are the consistencies of the majority of shower gel, shampoos and detergents. Especially for the very young, it is unusual to think of flake detergent for the washing machine or soap in the shower. And yet, at present, the ever increasing attention to the origin of products and to the so-called "INCI" has brought into vogue more traditional methods of using cosmetic products in such a way that they are ever closer to the natural state of the matter without adding or polluting chemical modifications ...

Green first aid: home remedies for wounds or cuts

Green first aid: home remedies for wounds or cuts

One of the most common and most frequent situations that can happen at home are injuries and accidental cuts . The first thing to assess is certainly the severity of the damage present and then decide how to intervene in the specific situation. In case of deep wounds it will be necessary to go to the first hospital emergency department; if the severity of the cut or wound is of medium or slight size it will be possible to intervene with the use of natural remedies ...

Swollen legs: causes and remedies

Swollen legs: causes and remedies

Tingling, heaviness, swelling and numbness: these are all physical sensations associated with the definition of "swollen legs" . But what exactly happens when you have these symptoms? Swollen legs: causes The word "swollen legs" contains a wide range of symptoms, and there are just as many causes ...

Acupuncture as a treatment for menopausal symptoms

Acupuncture as a treatment for menopausal symptoms

The term "menopause" is generally used to indicate that period that coincides with the permanent cessation of menstruation, consequent to the exhaustion of the normal activity of the follicles (structures containing the egg cell) in the female ovaries. The most appropriate term to indicate the phase of definitive exhaustion of the ovarian follicular activity (linked to the menstrual cycles) is that of "post-menopause", a very important physiological condition considering that it occupies about one third of the life in a woman...

MedCam 2013: the frontiers of non-conventional medicine

MedCam 2013: the frontiers of non-conventional medicine

MedCam 2013: the congress program MedCam 2013 will be held from 25th to 27th October in Lazise (VR) , at the Parchi del Garda Hotel and Conference Center. The Congress aims at dialogue and confrontation between care systems that are supporting their validity. The opportunity for scientific learning touches on many of the "hottest" topics of non-conventional medicine...

Green first aid: home remedies for nausea

Green first aid: home remedies for nausea

One of the common ailments that can occur at home is nausea so it is good to have natural remedies in your home first aid to counteract it. First of all it is important to understand the cause of the nausea , whether it is due to a gastrointestinal problem such as food poisoning, gastroesophageal reflux, an intolerance to some food or if it is linked to states of stress, anxiety, the menstrual cycle or in the presence of pregnancy...

When the sore throat is persistent, how to fight it?

When the sore throat is persistent, how to fight it?

It happens like this, that you have a sore throat for a few days, but you don't have time to stop, to stay at home warm. Go out, go to work, run, everything as usual. But he always follows you, faithful companion. A simple sore throat should pass in three to seven days . What to do then when the sore throat becomes persistent ...

Ayurvedic head massage

Ayurvedic head massage

If done correctly, the massage of the head is equivalent to a full body massage. Because it calms the center of the nervous system, the point of concentration of the reflexology lines. In the process of developing the fetus, the brain is the first organ that forms and at birth is bigger and heavier than any other organ...

The apricot source of mineral salts

The apricot source of mineral salts

The apricot ( Prunus armeniaca ) is a fruit rich in nourishing and anti-emetic nutrients. It is a well balanced cocktail of useful substances for the body: mineral salts such as calcium, phosphorus , potassium, sodium and silicon; in small quantities there are proteins, sugars, pectin, cellulose, free acids...

Osteopathy for children

Osteopathy for children

Osteopathy: what it is and what it is used for Osteopathy consists of a manipulative, holistic and non-invasive technique, which deals with restoring the structural and mechanical balance of the bone, joint and muscle system. THE 'osteopath dedicates its attention to the whole of the individual , to the individual parts as well as to the relationship between them, always bearing in mind that each structure is connected to the other and that a problem to a part of the body can be repercussions also on anatomically distant districts, and after some time...

Massages for cellulite

Massages for cellulite

Renewing the dermis and what is underneath before the arrival of summer is important , as well as doing sports, having a correct diet, adopting purification periods. Everything in a constant way. The massage itself relieves tension and improves the absorption of useful substances and contributes to cell renewal through thermal action...

Astragalus, the charging plant

Astragalus, the charging plant

Astragalus, a name we find declined in other areas, in addition to the herbalist one: the bony portion in the tibio-tarsal articulation, but also an architectural element present between the apex of the column and the capital; support structures ! Astragalus, a root of support The part used is precisely the root , rich in saponins, flavonoids, such as quercetin, polysaccharides and coumarins...