Music and movement

All Olodanza exercises (with very few exceptions) are practiced by listening to appropriate music. So there is the vibrant music for the energetic awakening, the light rhythm for swaying, the sinuous one for the sensual movements, the well-paced one for the spontaneous strong dances, the one containing a socializing ritual vocality for the tribal dance, the melodic type emotional, the "sliding" one for relaxation, the more widespread character, linear for a meditative application, the flow one for the support of the voice (which could be monotonous for a simple listening, but gives the maximum when it is associated with the vocal improvisation), that for mantras ... There are music that can be associated with movements, breathing, visualizations that favor the reference to the flow of universal energy and help us to recharge ourselves.

A certain piece of music establishes a certain atmosphere and gradually carries it forward, completes it to make that atmosphere complete. And within a few minutes our body / mind can tune into it and be invited, or even abducted, into this completeness.

The music used in the Olodanza method captures and stimulates the energy and harmony of existence. They create a strong emotional and existential involvement.

When, in olodance, music enters into us, it suggests a type of movement that is all the more effective to improve the state of health and vitality of the levels the more intuitive it is, that is, the more the body-mind is left free to find the its form of mobile resonance to music. The expressive movement must not be directed with extrinsic techniques. Only preparatory movements can be clearly indicated.

In the expressive moment it is enough to allow the body to move in a relaxed and spontaneous way.

Who needs olodance:

Olodance is for those who want to improve:

  • well-being and the pleasure of living
  • artistic sensitivity and expressive abilities
  • through movement and voice
  • empathy with others
  • the experience of the meditative state

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