Autumn leaves: to accept changes

Autumn leaves is one of 69 Australian flowers collected and studied by Ian White, a precursor of flower therapy derived from the species found in the Australian bush.

Australian flowers are prepared with the same principle as Bach flowers are prepared: the raw material, the flower, is collected at a certain point in its life cycle and left to macerate in water and brandy. In this floriterapic preparation the autumn leaves are used which leave the tree and abandon themselves to the less material phase of their transformation: hence the name Autumn leaves .

The choice of the raw material of which this Australian flower is composed suggests the energetic movement that impresses those who take it: it helps in moments of passage . During the important changes of life, in the transitional phases, especially when there is a need to let go of something or someone, a part of themselves, an experience that has by now run out, that's how Autumn leaves can come to your aid.

Usually the loss in the face of changes can assail us when we go through moments of strong evolution, profound and unacceptable changes, linked to age or life experiences: during the transit between adult and more mature life, for women for example it could being linked to menopause while for everyone it could be about retirement, job change, moving house.

Also read Australian flowers and numerology >>

Or even in moments of mourning, be it for a bond that closes or for the loss of a loved one.

Useful at the gates of autumn and of winter of feelings and existence, understood as a moment in which it is necessary to fold inside oneself, in intimacy with one's inner sensations, one's spiritual life, contact with what it is more silent and hidden, but still subtly and powerfully vital.

It allows us to let go and fertilize those who come after us in that specific situation, which we need to abandon, as it is no longer our time to live it.

The assumption of Autumn leaves allows, like all Australian flowers, to listen to the inner voice, and to follow it with confidence, even when what we have in front of and beyond change is outside any certainty and imagination. Infuses calm, quiet, serenity.

Autumn leaves can finally be useful in the last step, the one that deals with those who are about to leave their bodies for what is beyond life as we know it on this material plane, in this tangible and physical form.

Whoever takes Autumn leaves finds the calm and firm strength to let go of the tangible part of the experience, for the connection with the most subtle vibration that derives from it. This allows us to draw profound and lasting lessons from what we have experienced, allowing what came to us as a life situation to raise us to a higher state of consciousness and awareness, without fear or regret.

This flower helps not to stick to what has been, allowing the free flow of time and experiences . Gives strength to close a cycle, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual.

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