Treat the cold with water and salt

Nasal washes with water and salt, as well as fumigations, can be very useful in case of colds: let's see how water and salt can help us cure colds.

Nasal colds: how and when to do them

Nasal washes with saline solution are particularly useful in case of a cold to remove excess mucus, clear the airways and disinfect the mucous membranes. If you suffer from viral rhinitis or allergic rhinitis it can therefore be helpful to resort to washing with water and salt to heal faster and alleviate allergic symptoms.

For nasal washes, a saline solution and a disposable syringe without a needle are used ; as an alternative to the syringe you can use the Lota neti an ampoule similar to a small teapot in terracotta, ceramic, copper or plastic, reusable.

Nasal irrigations are known as Jala neti, a technique to cleanse the nasal passages used to treat the symptoms of colds, rhinitis, sinusitis, allergies but also of sore throat, cough, asthma and bronchitis. With the syringe a more effective cleaning of the nasal passages will be obtained but the use of the Lota neti has proved to be safer because the nasal irrigation with this instrument is more delicate.

To benefit from nasal washes, these can be performed every day or every two or three days ; the best time to perform nasal irrigation is in the morning or in any case away from main meals .

Saline solution for nasal irrigation: how to do it at home

The saline solution for nasal washes can be purchased in pharmacies but can also be prepared easily at home.


> a glass of pure water

> half a teaspoon of iodine-free salt

> a pinch of baking soda

Preparation and use : bring water to a boil to purify it; add the salt and baking soda and dissolve the two salts in the water. Salt must not be iodized or whole; it is recommended not to exceed with doses of salt and bicarbonate to avoid irritation and burning. The solution should be used when it is warm, taking it with a disposable syringe without a needle or using the Lota neti .

Nasal washes are performed by bending the head on one side and spraying the contents of the syringe or ampoule inside a nostril; the solution should come out of the other nostril. The operation must also be repeated for the other nostril.

Cold in the newborn, remedies and useful tips

Suffumigi to treat a cold

The fumigations are helpful in treating the symptoms that occur in case of a cold, pharyngitis or laryngitis.

To prepare the fumigations, a pot of water is enough to bring to the boil; after the start of boiling water, remove the saucepan from the heat and place your head on top of the saucepan, placing a towel on your head so as not to disperse the steam.

For the fumigations it is not necessary to add salt to water but instead it may be useful to add a few drops of an essential balsamic oil, such as eucalyptus, rosemary or thyme.

The situation is different if the aerosol device is used: in this case it is possible to use the saline solution because the aerosol exploits the nebulized water rather than evaporated .

Sufficiencies or aerosols can be performed once or twice a day .

Nasal washings for children, why are they important?

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