Relaxation exercises for psychophysical wellbeing

In recent years, numerous clinical studies have confirmed that meditation and relaxation exercises can be useful to counteract tension, stress and help improve our state of physical and mental health.

The most important physiological changes concern:

1. regulation of cortisol production;

2. reduction of noradrenaline release;

3. reduction in heart rate, respiratory rate and reduction of oxygen consumption;

4. reduction of serotonin;

5. modulation of dehydroepiandrosterone and testosterone production;

6. increased elasticity and resistance of the epidermis.

There are simple strategies and practices that derive from some techniques and oriental arts and that can be practiced without difficulty.

Deep breathing exercise

It is important to breathe well for our psychophysical well-being.

A useful and simple exercise to perform daily can be that of deep diaphragmatic breathing which will reduce tensions and help us relax: in a comfortable environment, sit on a comfortable sofa or armchair with a straight back and a chest in a natural position, inhale air slowly and deeply for about 5 seconds until the lungs are filled, expanding the diaphragm, then slowly exhale the air from the lungs for about 7 seconds, contracting the diaphragm. Repeat the exercise for a few minutes every day.

This exercise is useful for controlling breathing, decreasing intercostal tensions and relaxing the abdomen.

Dr. Elena Longo Nutritionist, Expert in Techniques for Psychophysical Wellbeing

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