The Sweet Birth or Lotus Birth

There are many pregnant women who, in the last two / three months of pregnancy, choose to attend a pre-birth course, perhaps even involving their partner.

In these courses, future mothers receive a lot of useful information, both on childbirth and on the first weeks of maternity, and perform preparatory exercises for labor, usually focusing on breathing and relaxation techniques. Then, at the end of the gestation, the time comes when the waters break and the so-called "hospital run" takes place.

Labor often proves to be long and painful, the woman fails to apply the techniques learned to the pre-natal course, and what should be a wonderful event often turns into great suffering. In the end, with the help and supervision of nurses, anesthesiologists, midwives, gynecologists etc., the woman gives birth to her own child. The newborn baby, who usually cries, is separated from the mother to be washed, visited, measured, after which it is "returned" to the mother, who can thus breastfeed it.

Today this mode of birth is commonly defined as " natural ", because it has now become a habitual practice ... but the fact that it is normal does not mean in any way that it is natural . Observing mammals in the wild while giving birth, it is clear that things go differently: there is no intervention of external people, because animals do not need them, "they know how to do it", nature has made them independent. Can it also be so for human beings? Or do women necessarily need to rely on doctors, renouncing their personal power and therefore choosing to delegate ? We are used to seeing women giving birth with pain, and children being born crying ... but is it really so? Or is there an alternative?

Now let's see what is a natural birth in the true sense of the word. First of all, the ideal is for the couple to prepare for pregnancy, even before preparing for childbirth . This is because a child is programmed and conceived in two, so it is necessary that both the future mother and the future father are really ready and want him fully. Too frequent are the times when the woman becomes pregnant "by mistake", or the couple decides to conceive a child only to please the relatives who ask for a grandchild.

Getting to the pregnancy in a more conscious manner means that the nine months of gestation are experienced differently, not only by the parents, but also by the child. The best thing is then to continue working on yourself even during pregnancy, so as to arrive at childbirth with a greater knowledge of your body and your inner life. To achieve this, a way is to practice conscious breathing, a technique that allows you to get inside yourself, get to know yourself deeply and learn to listen to your emotions and body messages.

Regarding the actual birth, a well-prepared couple can choose to bring their child into the world with Lotus Birth . This mode of birth, also called sweet birth, consists in letting the umbilical cord fall spontaneously, instead of intervening with the cut: once the natural expulsion of the placenta (spontaneous adaptation) has taken place, the umbilical cord is left attached to the child, who in this way it remains connected to its placenta until the dried cord, comes off spontaneously (normally this happens in the span of a few days, from about three to eight days). This foresight is a sign of respect for a new person who has come into the world, and also produces enormous benefits in terms of well-being and health, which the newcomer will benefit for a lifetime.

Only a few know that, following fertilization, the first cell that is formed (the zygote) is divided into two cells that will then give rise, respectively, to the fetus and the placenta. The child and the placenta are therefore bound by a very deep union, which is established from the first hours of gestation. The placenta is born and grows together with the fetus, in some ways it is its "twin". Therefore, when giving birth, it is essential to respect the natural separation times between the baby and the placenta, letting the cord fall naturally.

Not only that: if the umbilical cord is not cut, the blood - and the numerous stem cells contained in it - of the cord and the placenta pass entirely to the child, who is nourished and strengthened. Instead, if after the birth the cord is immediately cut, the baby is deprived of as much as 30% of his blood ... from which stem cells could be extracted, useful to help the sick ... but perhaps it is the case to leave to the rightful owner what belongs to him, instead of making him a chronic patient from birth!

Another serious consequence of the immediate cut of the umbilical cord is that the child, fed and oxygenated for nine months by the cord, suddenly finds himself deprived of the source of nourishment and oxygen to which he was accustomed, and to survive he can only breathe with his lungs, which he never used before ... in short, on the one hand there is danger of death, on the other there is all the power of breath and life. The child will therefore find himself obliged to make a choice: to breathe as much as is necessary, to keep him alive. The newcomer will carry with him this pattern of breathing throughout his life, with more or less serious consequences on his state of health.

Instead, if the child is given the opportunity to learn to breathe with his times, avoiding to put him immediately in danger of death, different and immediately evident results will be obtained: the child will be born without crying, and will breathe in a wide, deep, continuous manner, thus "risking" to become ... a healthy and happy adult. No coincidence that some believe that, changing the way of birth, within three generations there would be no more wars .

Parents, therefore, have a great responsibility, as choosing to bring their children into the world with Lotus Birth is a way to give them all the tools they need to face and live their lives fully. Furthermore, giving birth knowingly presents many advantages also for parents: in particular, if the mother reappropriates her personal power, it becomes natural to choose to give birth at home (her "nest"), with only the most intimate relatives around her, and possibly a midwife. When the woman is relaxed and gives birth in a peaceful environment, she does not necessarily feel pain, on the contrary, she may even feel pleasure.

For a good preparation, both during pregnancy and childbirth, the best thing is to rely on a therapist who, having "relived" his birth, has the ability to accompany couples who choose to undertake a path of this type, through gentle techniques and non-invasive based on conscious breathing, such as the Breath of Memory® and Coccoloterapia® in hot water, two evolutions of Rebirthing.

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