The first step to follow a diet that helps to keep cholesterol under control is to divide foods into two categories: foods to be included in the diet and foods to avoid.
Animal fats are not the only enemies; the diet can also provide a valuable aid to avoid the addition of other cardiovascular risk factors; therefore all foods that promote weight gain, hyperglycemia or hypertension will also be limited.
High cholesterol and nutrition: what you can eat
Let's start with the good news : what to include in the diet against high cholesterol. Obviously these are generic indications that must be discussed with your doctor or nutritionist, evaluating the specific case.
- Seasonal vegetables, slightly seasoned and preferably raw - at least two servings a day. Potatoes do not replace vegetables, but bread and pasta;
- Fruit, better if in season and not too sugary;
- Simple sauces, for example based on fresh tomatoes and basil;
- Legumes;
- Cereals (barley, spelled, etc);
- Extra virgin olive oil (in moderate quantities);
- Spices and natural flavors;
- Lean meats;
- Skimmed or semi-skimmed milk;
- Ricotta cheese, low- fat cheeses, low- fat yogurt;
- A little parmesan on the pasta can be put, but also in this case without exaggerating;
- Eggs, not more than one or at most two per week, preferably firm or soft-boiled;
- Fish, especially the blue one: it is also good frozen. If you use canned tuna, choose the natural one;
- And for those who are greedy? Ice cream is good, especially if it is fruit: obviously always in moderate quantities. Simple homemade cakes are also good, but without fat or cream. Those who cannot give up chocolate can choose dark chocolate; it is not forbidden to add a teaspoon of cocoa in the milk. Yes also to jam, but without added sugar;
- Tea, coffee, barley and herbal teas (without sweetening too much);
- Bread and pasta? Yes: but better than whole wheat flour.
Properties and nutritional values of wholemeal bread
High cholesterol and nutrition: what you should avoid
What would be better to avoid to follow a diet that saves from cholesterol:
- All spirits, including wine and beer;
- Butter, margarine, lard and various seed oils;
- Mayonnaise;
- The too elaborate seasonings ;
- Ready meals, often too rich in fat;
- Cheese cream;
- Fat meats;
- Sausages, especially the fat ones. However, every now and then the cured ham is good, if deprived of the fat;
- Most cheeses ; for example pecorino, asiago, seasoned provolone, gorgonzola, taleggio, caciocavallo, gruyere, robiola, cream, mascarpone, whole yogurt;
- Molluscs, crustaceans and fatty fish such as eel;
- Cream;
- Snacks, croissants, over-elaborate desserts, creams, filled chocolates;
- Soft drinks and sugary drinks;
- Fries.
High cholesterol: physical activity
If we talk about nutrition and cholesterol we cannot fail to mention also the discourse of physical activity. If we increase the energy expenditure it is possible to do some less waivers at the table. For those with high cholesterol, aerobic-type physical activity is usually recommended , at least three times a week. The type and duration of the individual training depends on the health conditions and the age of the person.
For example, a 30- to 40-year-old man or woman in good general health can devote himself to 20 to 30 minutes of jogging, while those 60 and older can opt for quick walks lasting about 30 minutes. Training type and duration should preferably be recommended by a doctor.