Ginger how much to take every day

Gingerbread men for Christmas and candied ginger candy to digest, fresh ginger marinated on sushi ... Now who hasn't tasted ginger at least once?

But do we know that ginger is also an important plant for its healing properties, especially on the digestive system? To take advantage of these characteristics, it will be more appropriate to use powdered ginger in the appropriate doses: but how much ginger should be taken every day to have beneficial effects on health and no contraindication?

Ginger: way of taking and daily doses

It is possible to take ginger as a phytotherapeutic supplement for various reasons: daily doses and ginger tiploogies will vary. Here are some examples, with doses referring to the adult (we advise against using them during pregnancy and under the age of 18):

> The beneficial properties of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ginger have been scientifically studied with daily doses ranging from 0.5 to 4 grams of dried ginger root powder. To obtain greater benefits it is recommended to use dry extracts as they are standardized in the active ingredients (ie gingerols).

> For the prevention of nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness ( motion sickness or seasickness) we recommend instead taking a single dose of 1-2 grams of dried and powdered rhizome (root) ginger, an hour before to start the journey.

> To soothe mild gastric and intestinal dyspeptic disorders (poor digestion, sense of fullness, borborigmi, flatulence, slow digestion) we recommend a single dose of 180 mg three times a day, dried and powdered rhizome.

> For a milder action it is possible to use tea (infusions and decoctions of ginger), with a digestive and "warming" action : 30g of fresh rhizome is finely chopped in 1 liter of water, to be left for about 3 minutes, filtering and then drinking a cup after the main meals.

As with any phytotherapy, there are side effects that should be taken into consideration, including:

> pain and heartburn;

> intestinal disorders;

> flatulence and diarrhea.

Ginger: when not to hire

It is advisable to avoid the consumption of ginger - unless otherwise advised - in the event of:

> Pregnancy and lactation;

> biliary tract stones;

> gastritis and heartburn;

> bleeding disorders since ginger could increase the risk of bleeding;

> diabetes because ginger may interfere with insulin and blood sugar levels.

> severe heart disease: high doses of ginger could worsen certain heart conditions;

> concomitant intake of some drugs : oral anticoagulants (warfarin type) or NSAIDs (aspirin type), due to the antithrombotic effect of ginger; medications for diabetes, as there is the possibility that ginger reduces blood sugar.

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