Toothache: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Toothache can depend on various causes such as caries, pulpitis, periodontitis or abscesses. Often associated with headaches and back pain, it can be treated with natural remedies. Let's find out better.

Symptoms of toothache

Toothache is one of the most common disorders whose symptoms may vary depending on the causes that determine their origin. In general this is always accompanied by pain, which can be more or less continuous or pulsating, and generally persistent.

Toothache is related to the double thread to headache, since the type of pain is pounding and goes with the puslations of the heart, and also to back pain, especially as to how the disorder is addressed in dentosophy. This therapeutic technique identifies the disequilibrium of the teeth as a disharmony directly related to the posture.

In toothache due to caries in classical dentistry mechanical tools are used to remove the carious tissue and then proceed with obturation of the residual cavity. In dentosophy the procedure is similar but the methods are less invasive than in classical dentistry: the laser takes the place of the drill and all the materials used are possibly biocompatible, this is always because in dentosophy there is an essential link between teeth, human body, planet.

Causes of toothache

Toothache may be due to multiple causes:

  • Caries can be one of the causes related to toothache; it is a more or less extensive cavity of the crown caused by bacteria. In the beginning it is not accompanied by pain, the symptoms only appear at a later stage, when the caries reaches the dentin (an area that is under the enamel). The pain intensifies when the infection reaches the pulp.
  • Pulpitis, inflammation of the dental pulp, and periodontitis, inflammation of the supporting tissues of the tooth, can also cause intense pain that can become chronic.
  • Another reason may be the so-called wisdom teeth . These are four molar teeth which, if positioned poorly, the gingiva can become inflamed by compression or infection. The symptoms are similar to those caused by the abscess.

Often pains are difficult to interpret at first, but when the infection expands, the pains radiate even away from the site of the tooth and cause severe discomfort that prevents the continuation of normal daily actions and does not allow to concentrate properly.


Feeding in case of toothache

The tooth is an organ belonging to the digestive system deputed to chewing and shredding food . " First digestion fit in hours ", the Latins said precisely, to signify that a good chewing is at the base of digestion.

Sugar is the first enemy of teeth. It is important not to abuse coffee or strongly staining foods such as artichokes, tea and red wine .

Never neglect the evening cleaning because at night the plaque builds up and the dangers to the mouth multiply. For those with halitosis problems it will be useful to regularly eat low-fat yogurt, natural without sugar.

In case of toothache it can be a great relief to dab the aching part with a wad soaked in a solution of hot water and cayenne pepper.


In the acute phase, to mitigate the pain can be useful the harpagophytum ( Harpagophytum procumbens ) of African origin and also present in the Official Pharmacopoeia, improperly called "Devil's Claw" (in the form of TM, in the dose of 30 drops twice a day, diluted in a little water, after meals).

Among the useful infusions against toothache, those based on chamomile (with sedative, digestive properties), lavender (antispasmodic, analgesic), lemon (detoxifying), marjoram (calming) are excellent.

You can learn more about the properties and benefits of chamomile

Bach flowers for toothache

To alleviate with the flower therapy the disorders related to toothache that generate mental and physical stress: Oak, Vervain and Hornbeam, Crab Apple, Elm and Red Chestnut (stress headache and mix-tension), Impatiens (headache accompanied by a general sense of irritation).

Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) the causes of toothache need to be investigated in depth. In general, however, to have immediate relief in case of toothache, press point 4 of the large intestine meridian .

The point must be identified on the dimple that is created on the hand when you remove thumb and forefinger. Massaging this area is also effective for headaches.

Essential oils

Aromatherapy intervenes in fact on the intensity of pain symptoms and psycho-physical stress due to toothache rather than on the causes of the problem. Essential oils can be taken by inhalation, through massages or orally. The aromatherapist will advise the essential oil of anise, essential oil of orange, essential oil of basil, the essential oil of cypress, essential oil of citronella.

Learn more about the properties and contraindications of sweet orange essential oil

Homeopathy in case of toothache

The Belladonna granules are excellent for abscess pain. Another remedy for toothache is Coffea Cruda, taken in granules.

The cloves that act as an anesthetizer are also excellent. Still very good remedy is the Chamomilla very useful when the pain appears after eating hot food. Furthermore, we remember Pulsatilla, very useful in the case where the heat or the high temperatures surrounding it considerably worsen the conditions of toothache.


The most appropriate movement is brushing, which must be performed with care and delicacy. But what is the correct way to clean your teeth? The movement of the toothbrush must be vertical, starting from the gums and going towards the tooth, never vice versa.

In other words, to clean the upper teeth its movement must be downwards, not upwards, so as to penetrate with the bristles even in the dental interstices and with an inclination of 45 degrees, to remove the plaque from below the gingival collar.

The opposite is true for the lower part of the mouth, ie the movement must proceed upwards; obviously the operation must be repeated both on the external part of the dentition and on the internal one, often overlooked.

The teeth should be brushed for at least two minutes. The widely used toothbrush is useless and can even be harmful; it is good to change it every three months, it must have strong and elastic bristles (those who have bleeding or gum problems need soft bristles) and a head small enough to reach even the most hidden teeth, without damaging the gums.


All homeopathic remedies for toothache

Other articles on teeth:

> Remedies for children's toothache

> Mallow: first aid for toothache

> Oral hygiene: how to do it when you are away from home

> Causes and remedies of bruxism

> Toothache and sinusitis: here are the natural cures

> Teeth and posture: how they relate to me

> Headaches and teeth: how are they connected?

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