External hemorrhoids, the 5 most effective remedies
natural therapies
External hemorrhoids, the 5 most effective remedies

External hemorrhoids, the 5 most effective remedies

External hemorrhoids can be very painful and create many problems for those affected, including bleeding. Venous extractions are considered , near the anus , a position that is difficult to protect both for posture and proximity to the bowel function of defecation. When suffering from external hemorrhoids, remedies are sought for immediate effects that reduce swelling and remove the discomfort / pain quickly...

Electric massagers

Electric massagers

Massage techniques against technological massage Contact quality, energy exchange, power of communication: all these factors are combined in the massage. At each session, the correspondence between the epidermis and the nervous system is made sacred and honored: touching a person it is possible to establish contact with his mind and to communicate entirely with the body...

Hydrocolontherapy and rebalancing of bacterial flora

Hydrocolontherapy and rebalancing of bacterial flora

Germs (parasites) present in the intestine can produce large amounts of toxic material (methanol, propanol, butanol, ammonia, methane, scatol, putrescine, cadaverine, indole, etc.). Normally these substances are eliminated, but in conditions of altered equilibrium important reabsorption phenomena can occur and therefore, precisely, intoxication ...

Veterinary homeopathy

Veterinary homeopathy

What is homeopathy? Homeopathy (from homòios , similar, and pàthos , disease) represents a treatment address for symptoms or diseases that uses infinitesimal doses of substances that in higher doses would cause the same ailments or diseases in healthy subjects, according to the principle summarized in phrase " Similia similibus curantur ". ...

History of iridology

History of iridology

When we talk about iridology there is a lot of curiosity; it is defined by iridologists as a true art but very often it is confused and mistakenly referred to as magic and prediction of the future. Its history starts from antiquity. Ancient iridology The ancient ridologia originates from Iris, Greek goddess of the rainbow, daughter of Elettra and Taumante, messenger of Juno who was the goddess of care and ornament...

Pests and bioresonance

Pests and bioresonance

The problem of parasites is not at all rare in humans and especially affects children. The infestation of parasites always occurs by ingesting eggs. In children, the most common means of transmission that most expose to the risk of infections are: poor hygiene tendency to carry any object or hands in the mouth, especially when they are not clean...

The strength of the mind

The strength of the mind

It is evident that in addition to harmonic and positive forms and objects, there are others with negative value and vibrations. These consequently affect the human body and the environment that hosts them. We can go back to the theory of John Bell , a scientist who has shown that all things have their own information, identical in some respects to each of the parts that compose it, the same is true for the representations of an object in a photograph or a portrait...

Bibliotherapy: read to be happier

Bibliotherapy: read to be happier

When happiness is a book Bibliotherapy or book therapy was born in the United States around the 1930s thanks to the psychiatrist William Menninger and it is a gentle cure for the spirit and the mind that provides for the prescription of books by psychotherapists as "homework" by read, with the aim of helping the person on his personal therapeutic journey ...

Green first aid: home remedies for sprains and sprains

Green first aid: home remedies for sprains and sprains

Among the most common accidents that can occur in the home are falls, distortions and accidental traumas. When such episodes occur, it is necessary to assess the seriousness of the event and take prompt action with first aid remedies . If the entity is not serious to require the intervention of a specialist, then it will be possible to use home remedies to help the healing of sprains and sprains...

Insomnia treats it naturally ... mind

Insomnia treats it naturally ... mind

Do you think your sleep is insufficient or unsatisfactory? Do you sleep too little or badly? Well, you're in good company! In fact this condition, called insomnia, affects more or less chronically about 20% of the world population , particularly in industrialized areas. The causes can be as biological (in women as menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause, in men prostate disorder) as psycho-physical (stress, depression, anxiety) and certainly related to age (those over 65 have a physiologically lighter sleep and fragmented) and to the climate (with the arrival of warm sleep disorders increase ...

The reflex zones of the foot: the gall bladder

The reflex zones of the foot: the gall bladder

The gall bladder consists of a small pouch with thin muscular walls and is located on the lower face of the liver. Its dimensions are reduced compared to those of the liver, but its function is equally important: it is part of the digestive system and contributes to digestion and fat metabolism . The gall bladder takes care of storing the bile , continually produced by the liver, and concentrating it following the absorption of water...

The magic of life: the activation of Talents

The magic of life: the activation of Talents

There is an invisible aspect in life that gives light to all things. Touch a flower, with its soft and delicate petals. Savor a strawberry with its intense and fresh taste. Feel the scent of the sea, with its riding freedom. See the sunrise at dawn, with its light and its warmth. Hearing the words of tells us "thank you", "I love you"...

The holistic view: considerations on diffusion

The holistic view: considerations on diffusion

The holistic view Over time, holism and alternative medicine are increasingly becoming a mass phenomenon. Already in 1993, in the United States, more than a third of the population experienced treatments called "unconventional". 18 years have passed. And the trend is growing . To contribute to this success, the greater trust in holistic practices, the growing dissatisfaction in traditional medicine and a feeling of commitment to the environment in an anti-scientific and anti-modernist vision...

Bruxism, causes and remedies

Bruxism, causes and remedies

Bruxism = teeth grinding ! It has now been counted as a pathology of the teeth and its mechanics involves rubbing the teeth of the upper arch with those of the lower arch. This phenomenon occurs in a totally unconscious manner, generally at night, during sleep and falls between the so-called parasomnias, and in some subjects with very serious neurological problems even during the day...

The Stomach Canal in Chinese Medicine

The Stomach Canal in Chinese Medicine

The Stomach meridian runs through our body anteriorly and laterally and its energetic direction is yang, from top to bottom. The canal connects 45 energy points starting from under the eye and reaching the external nail end of the melluce, the second toe. Traditional Chinese Medicine experts do not want this simplification, but it is always difficult to explain, outside of the technicalities, the characteristics of the meridians and their energy pathways and the purpose of this intervention is to illustrate to non-experts how it is structure a network of such subtle correlations...

Natural remedies for impotence

Natural remedies for impotence

The natural remedies for treating impotence , also called erectile dysfunction, can be of two types: those that act chemically on the physiological aspect of this disorder and those that intervene on its psychological causes. In Italy, impotence affects over 3.5 million men, practically one sexually adult male out of eight...

Foot reflexology for sciatica

Foot reflexology for sciatica

According to holistic podalic reflexology, the nerves are reflected on the foot mirroring how they are positioned on the body. The path segment, in reflexology , is therefore in the medial part of the foot, in the last reflex section of the back . The epicenter is located in the inner part of the malleolus, halfway between the apex of the malleolus and the posterior angle of the calcaneus ...

Sensual massage: a moment for the couple

Sensual massage: a moment for the couple

Sensual massage is not always an erotic massage. It is more like a relaxing and invigorating massage. Let's see what it stands for. Environment Tranquility first of all. It is important to isolate any form of disorder. Then turn off any external distraction sources, such as the telephone, the intercom, but also the lights and the television...

The 5 Tibetan exercises, rituals of rejuvenation at the reach of the body

The 5 Tibetan exercises, rituals of rejuvenation at the reach of the body

There are ways of feeling good that do not have to do with expenses, botulins, wellness centers from the prohibitive price list. There is a way of feeling good about the person, both the physical body and the interior. It is built day by day and is based on listening to the sensation. The 5 Tibetans are exercises that start from these basic assumptions...

Spirulina: dosage and benefits

Spirulina: dosage and benefits

Spirulina is a blue micro-alga that grows in salt lakes with a very high alkalinity and in areas with a warm climate in the world. Its scientific name is Arthrospira platensi s and technically it is an edible microalgae that contains many essential nutrients for human health. Composition and beneficial effects Spirulina is truly unique due to the complexity of the nutrients and healthful substances it contains ...

Spirulina: in a microalga, the food of the future

Spirulina: in a microalga, the food of the future

Spirulina is a green-blue alga (color due to the presence of chlorophyll ) unicellular of the Cyanophiceae family (blue algae) in the shape of a spiral , from which it derives its name, which measures from 0.1 to 0.3 mm . This microalga lives in the fresh water of lakes in the Mexican plateau where there is a high concentration of sodium bicarbonate, potassium salts, magnesium and selenium...

Therapeutic properties of elderberry

Therapeutic properties of elderberry

The elderberry is the right remedy for the cold season that is coming, because it is able to counteract all the colds that can affect our body in the change of temperature: sore throat, cough, fever. Sambucus Nigra uses the flowers, of a yellowish white color, intensely colored, gathered in large terminal umbrellas...

Movement and the sun in the prevention of osteoporosis

Movement and the sun in the prevention of osteoporosis

Regular physical activity is the first enemy of osteoporosis. All true, but never enough. Faced with the fear that the bones will become brittle, do not immobilize yourself. Rather. If you want to prevent osteoporosis in movement, you must not give up: keep moving, without exaggerating, listening well...

Connective tissue massage: technique and benefits

Connective tissue massage: technique and benefits

The technique of connective tissue massage is a technique that interacts with the deep layers of muscle tissue. This is where the toxins accumulate due to the pressure and stress to which our body is constantly subjected. Inflammation of the muscle is a clear sign of this. What the technique of connective tissue massage allows is precisely the release of tension and the relaxation of the affected muscle tissues, leading to the release of toxins and a better circulation of oxygen and blood in the system...

Natural remedies after the feast days

Natural remedies after the feast days

Here we are at the point: if the holidays justify every binge, the scale does not forgive! Don't pretend not to see her when you pass by and peek at her through the half-open bathroom door ... Facing that pair of little ones put on during the holidays is easier than expected , just follow some practical advice consistently and combine natural and effective remedies for lose weight ahead of the month of purification par excellence, February, and the arrival of spring...

Hole in the sense of hunger: acupuncture for weight loss

Hole in the sense of hunger: acupuncture for weight loss

Acupuncture for weight loss To deal with a stressful low-calorie diet, a series of Chinese acupuncture sessions are increasingly used. This, in fact, intervenes on the typical relative disorders of the diet, such as stress or even nervous anxiety hunger , better known as "hunger attack". Chinese acupuncture therefore plays a supporting role ...

The benefits of tecarterapia for cellulite

The benefits of tecarterapia for cellulite

Tecar therapy: what it is Tecar therapy is a method used both in the medical and aesthetic fields . It consists in stimulating, through special machinery and during sessions performed by qualified operators or doctors, the internal production of heat on the treated areas . The heat is not applied from the outside, but propagates from inside the tissues...

Small introduction to the Tandava dance

Small introduction to the Tandava dance

In the heart of the Tandava dance The specific name of this dance is tāṇḍava nṛtya . Do not imagine a dance that is performed by rhythmically detaching the feet from the ground and then using the ankles to rest softly; this motor act that is at the base of the release of the diaphragm (think of the African traditions) is there, but it is not the constant or the rule. The T...

What is massage therapy?

What is massage therapy?

What is massage therapy? Contact quality, energy exchange, power of communication: all these factors are combined in the massage. At each session, the correspondence between the epidermis and the nervous system is made sacred and honored: touching a person it is possible to establish contact with his mind and to communicate entirely with the body...

Tibetan gynecology

Tibetan gynecology

Exploring Tibetan gynecology Gynecology is a particular branch of traditional Tibetan medicine, which includes both aspects of pediatrics and obstetrics. In the original places where it is practiced, Tibetan gynecology plays a particularly relevant role as Tibetan women were, and still are, culturally reluctant to talk about problems of this type, especially in remote areas and in villages far from inhabited centers and hospitals ...

Ayurvedic massage for pregnant women

Ayurvedic massage for pregnant women

As the generator of life, during pregnancy, women have always been subject to a series of particular attentions, at least traditionally. With modernity and progress this event has lost its exceptional and almost magical character and pregnancy is experienced as an ordinary moment, especially for the many mothers who cannot take advantage of that privilege that is now the maternity break...

Spring is coming: it's time to purify

Spring is coming: it's time to purify

Naturopathy believes that the root cause of many health problems is to be found in a liver that has lost its balance, and therefore attributes a very important role to the proper functioning of this organ. Naturopaths carefully evaluate the signs of a liver whose vitality needs to be implemented and their treatments are often set precisely to improve the efficiency of the detoxification system...



What is Eudinamica ™ and what is it for? Eudinamica is a neologism that derives from the Greek language EU "good or true" and DYNAMIC "Study of the movement and its causes". The neologism indicates the true movement of energy in the body (ie the movement of Energy when not slowed down by contingent endogenous or environmental conditions). ...

Arnica in cream, how and when to use it

Arnica in cream, how and when to use it

Arnica creams are a remedy known by all now, we find them in the form of ointment and gel. The arnica in this formulation has entered the homes of each of us and its use is extremely widespread to cure joint pain, muscle contractions, inflammation . The properties of arnica in cream The arnica montana is in effect a natural anti-inflammatory, to be used only at topical level ...

Medical anthroposophy

Medical anthroposophy

Steiner and anthroposophy " Anthroposophy is a path of knowledge, which guides the spirit in man towards the spirit of the universe. It is born in individuals as a need of the heart and of feeling and finds justification as an attempt to satisfy an inner need. It can only be understood by those who find there what they themselves feel the need to discover...

Melatonin, zinc and magnesium against sleep disorders

Melatonin, zinc and magnesium against sleep disorders

Sleep disorders at night have consequences, even serious ones, on the quality of life of those suffering from it: drowsiness, anxiety, irritability and difficulty concentrating are some of the most common problems related to insomnia . There are factors that together constitute the so-called sleep hygiene and that can promote an adequate and efficient night's rest by creating a relaxing environment and maintaining regular sleep-wake rhythms...

Wrinkles in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Wrinkles in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In the United States, ancient Chinese art is becoming a real passion. Also in Italy lately acupuncture is increasingly required to restore freshness to the skin of the face by eliminating wrinkles, before they become evident, using only very thin needles to improve blood circulation locally and to counteract the underlying muscle relaxation ...

What is pyramidotherapy

What is pyramidotherapy

Pyramidotherapy is a technique that, by exploiting the electromagnetic energy of the Planet, promises to cure various diseases, promote relaxation, improve plant growth and much more. Let 's see together what is pyramidotherapy , where and how it is practiced and what is its real effectiveness compared to what it promises...

How to cure colds with 5 top remedies

How to cure colds with 5 top remedies

Here we are, now it's cold, some of us have already started sneezing, and maybe they've already been home with a few lines of fever. The cold has already begun to "reap victims". Nothing serious, but it is unpleasant to have a stuffy nose , red and watery eyes, and feel a little tired...

Postpartum hemorrhoids, what remedies?

Postpartum hemorrhoids, what remedies?

Postpartum hemorrhoids can be tackled with natural remedies that mainly affect habits and lifestyle. It is, for example, very important to take care of nutrition . But ... let's go into detail. Postpartum Hemorrhoids? The first of the natural remedies is the diet In postpartum, especially when there are hemorrhoids, it is very important to encourage regular evacuation and the production of faeces that are not too hard ...

Perfect hair with Ayurvedic massage

Perfect hair with Ayurvedic massage

" I have no hair without a checkered page, a perfume without a bottle, a door without a handle, a ball without a track, a fisherman without his best bait ", with these words the singer Nicolò Fabi, a few years ago, paid tribute to the his rebel hair. Long, short, with the crest, dyed, wild, with a bob: subject to fashions, like no other part of our body, hair says something about us, our personality and how much - at least outwardly - we want to convey to others....