Verbena herbal tea: properties and use

Verbena is a medicinal plant that aids in digestion, protects the liver and strengthens the nervous system, helping it to combat stress .

Used externally, it protects the skin and calms muscle inflammation.

A natural cure-all of ancient origins - it was already used by the Greeks and Romans and even the Druids used it during sacred ceremonies, considering it a ' magic herb - that will make your winter days more gentle and pleasant.

Here's how to make the most of the benefits of verbena in the form of herbal tea .

Verbena, the properties of a simple herbal tea

The verbena herbal tea is easily found in herbal medicine, both in sachets and in bulk, generally of European origin, and both the green leaves and the beautiful violet-colored flowers are used .

As anticipated, the verbena is excellent for calming anxiety states, for toning the nervous system and restoring the health of a weakened and overwhelmed stress.

Going to act on the nervous system thanks to verbenalina, it is particularly suitable also for those who need a hand to control tensions and promote relaxation, even at night.

It is also an excellent digestive and natural cleanser, which acts on the stomach and blood, and therefore also on the liver and spleen, cleaning it of toxins from stones. Its antioxidant power is also known, as well as febrifuge, an analgesic - it helps to turn off the headache - and anti-rheumatic.

Verbena herbal tea: preparation and use

The herbal tea or verbena infusion is prepared leaving to infuse in boiling water (a saucepan for two people will be fine) a spoonful of dried verbena leaves and flowers, collected, for those lucky enough to be able to sow them, in July and August; then it is well filtered and consumed hot a couple of times a day .

To have positive effects on the body it is advisable to prolong the constant intake of the herbal tea for at least a month . To get an idea, 30 grams of verbena in a sachet, about 15, cost 4 euros .

Contraindications : verbena is not recommended during pregnancy and if there is a drug therapy in place.

Verbena plant: cultivation and uses

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