The benefits of Californian massage

Californian massage

The name says it all. Californian massage . Born in full " new age ", on the coasts of California, more precisely in San Francisco, a city known for the Golden Gate Bridge, its trams and its steep climbs and descents.

What is so special about this massage? The liberation of the body, the expression of feelings and the overall balance of the person. This is why it is also known as a psychosomatic massage .

At the extremely sensual view, this type of massage is practiced on bare or minimally covered skin. The operator spreads an oil on the patient, often fragrant and relaxing, to make the touch and movement more smooth.

The massager's movement is fluid and concentrated on the surface. It wraps the body slowly, with wide and gentle movements, in a choreographic way. Meridian lines, muscle tone and reflex points are often followed.

But what are the benefits of Californian massage?

Benefits of Californian massage

Speaking of the benefits of Californian massage, we can make a distinction between physiological benefits and psychic benefits.

On a physical level, the Californian massage gives firmness to the skin, releasing tension and working efficiently on the muscular system. Going deeper, it revives the breathing of the internal organs, interacting with the circulation and the lymph, like a lymphatic drainage massage. The nervous system comes out toned and relaxed, favoring processes such as digestion and metabolism. Weight control is a sector in which Californian massage is met with moderate success.

And the mind? The benefits of Californian massage include the psyche .

The fluid and slow movements give benefits to mental activity, emotions and to the. Energy moves from the mind to the body. Thoughts are calmed, finding them the right place in the activity of the individual, who feels a sense of tranquility and peace. The subject perceives himself in his totality, reintegrating in the consciousness the parts of the body that are often little known or even forgotten. In everyday life, we gain a greater sense of reality and trust in others.

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