Natural muscle relaxants, what are they?

Muscle relaxants are remedies to relax the muscles . They can act on nerve transmission to inhibit the painful message, or act as an anti-spasm.

There are very effective and useful natural muscle relaxants in the case of chronic problems, which require prolonged hiring, even for life, for which the continuous intake of a drug could lead to unpleasant side effects in the long term.


Chamomile is known to all, often taken to calm the central nervous system, to help sleep.

Perhaps not everyone knows that it is also very useful in case of muscle contractions and spasms .

Rich in essential oils, flavonoids, coumarins, it has an anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic and sedative action .

It works very well in the case of headaches, especially those caused by poor digestion, abdominal and pelvic pain.

The infusion is its best use, also because it can be enriched by other remedies for a synergistic action.


The much disputed cannabis sativa contains cannabidiol, the principle of interest for its powerful muscle relaxants.

Cannabidiol is the inactive plant metabolite extracted mainly from the flower. Cannabidiol or CBD has no psychotropic effects which is why it is admitted as a legal remedy.

It is used as spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant . Useful in particularly painful and disabling syndromes such as Parkinson's disease, Chron's disease.

It is also performing well for widespread but little known diseases such as fibromyalgia.


The mountain gives us this effective remedy against pain and contractures, the Arnica montana precisely.

It performs a muscle relaxant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory action .

It is used topically: ointments, ointments to be applied on the painful part, because for internal use it presents toxicity ; however, there is a homeopathic remedy that supports external action and can be taken based on dilutions recommended by the doctor.

Devil's claw

Its root rich in flavonoids, carbohydrates and glycosides has a muscle relaxant, antirheumatic and analgesic action .

The Devil's Claw is particularly indicated for headache, back pain, forms of arthrosis and arthritis.

We can take it in infusion, not very pleasant to tell the truth, in dry extract or in hydroalcoholic extract.


It is not just used to produce beer, but its female inflorescences are used in herbal medicine for its sedative, spasmolytic, stomachic and diuretic properties .

Hops is a natural muscle relaxant particularly indicated for gastric tract spasms due to gastritis, dyspepsia . It acts on the central nervous system with broad spectrum sedative effects.

A little curiosity: in the northern European countries there is a hops pillow, a cushion precisely filled with dried hop strobiles that release a hypo-inducing luppolino to promote relaxation and sleep.


This mineral with multiple properties also performs a muscle relaxant action. It manages the correct functionality of muscles and nervous system, with a regulatory and adaptogenic activity. The cardiac musculature also benefits.

We can take magnesium in the form of a dietary supplement and, if taken at night, facilitates rest and sleep.


This fragrant and colorful plant is relaxing for the sense of smell, for the sight and also for the muscles.

Thanks to its essential oil, flavonoids, rosmarinic acid has a spasmolytic, hypotensive and mildly sedative action .

Excellent remedy for headaches, insomnia, anxiety. We can take it as an infusion, even in synergy with chamomile.

For topical use the essential lavender oil in synergy with the arnica oil can be applied on the contracture to be massaged, for a direct muscle relaxant action.

Chili pepper

We find Capsicum in many preparations for topical use based on devil's claw, arnica.

It is precisely chilli pepper, its fruits are rich in capsaicin, flavonoids, vitamin C and performs analgesic, rubefacient action, thus warming the part and helping it to loosen contractures.

It is a natural muscle relaxant indicated for muscle spasms in the cervical and rachidian area, rheumatic diseases.

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