We improve our lives with EFT

EFT can be called acupuncture without needles and has its roots since ancient times around 4000 years ago.

It was the Chinese who discovered the energy meridian system and gave birth to a sort of revolution in the field of natural health. In the eighties a Californian psychotherapist named Roger Callahan who was studying traditional Chinese medicine in those years, discovered that tapping on energy meridians brought enormous benefits on a whole range of physical and psychological problems .

Callahan developed a technique called TFT and became famous throughout the United States for his speed and effectiveness in treating his patients.

However, the technique devised by Dr. Callahan was difficult to apply for non-experts.

In the nineties, an engineer named Gary Craig greatly simplified Callahan's method and gave life to what is now called EFT ( Emotional Freeedom Technique) worldwide.

When and how to apply EFT

EFT can be applied to oneself or to others by tapping with the fingers on the points of the energy meridians. What we do when we apply EFT is to remove the energy block (short circuit) that occurred in one of our meridians due to a trauma experienced. Such trauma may have given rise, for example, to anxieties, phobias, fears, physical pains, limiting conditions in life, in sport or in human relationships.

If we do not eliminate this short circuit, we cannot get rid of the problems described above. The points to be tapped are found both on the face and on the hands and can be easily stimulated by applying the EFT protocol.

The technique can be used after a small training or a course. It can be used at all ages and is very useful for example in school age when a series of problems afflict our children.

EFT is a technique without any side effects that can eliminate countless physical, psychological or spiritual problems. Sometimes the elimination of problems occurs during a single session, other times more sessions are needed. It is in any case a short and effective approach that allows us to free ourselves from our blocks and to live our lives more lightly.

I wish you happiness and that you can realize your dreams and desires with EFT.

Good life, always!

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