The main plants of clinical use in homeopathy and phytotherapy
natural remedies
The main plants of clinical use in homeopathy and phytotherapy

The main plants of clinical use in homeopathy and phytotherapy

Medicinal plants are historically intended as those plants used by apothecaries, pharmacists of the Middle Ages, in their shops the pharmacies or "pharmaceutical workshops" , where spices were sold and medicines were prepared starting from medicinal herbs. In the 14th century, the age of the Municipalities, the apothecaries were part of the Art of the Medici and Apothecaries , one of the seven arts of the Corporations, whose task was to carry out activities of control over the preparation and seriousness of the apothecaries; the great Dante Alighieri was also said to belong to this Gu...

Pol Henry and gemmotherapy: the healing power of sprouts

Pol Henry and gemmotherapy: the healing power of sprouts

The link between gemmotherapy and Pol Henry is so indissoluble that this Brussels homeopathic physician is considered, for all intents and purposes, the founding father of this natural medicine. He is responsible for the idea of ​​using vegetable shoots of trees and shrubs in human therapy . He developed and proposed an innovative therapeutic method based on the correspondence between plant / soil / human body , then finding confirmation on a pharmacological and clinical level. Th...

Numerology & Australian Flowers

Numerology & Australian Flowers

Ian White, creator of the Australian Bush Flower Essences, also this year is returning to Italy with seminars on Australian Flower Therapy and on different techniques to give, from time to time, new tools to the operators who use them. The topic of 2013 was, in addition to the 1-level courses, " Numerology and Australian Flowers "...

Valerian in drops, when to use it

Valerian in drops, when to use it

Valerian is a useful remedy for anxiety, insomnia and nervousness: let's see when to use valerian in drops . Valeriana, what it is and what it is used for Valeriana officinalis is a perennial herbaceous plant common in the humid areas of meadows and woods. The valerian uses the root, rhizomes and stolons harvested in autumn or spring and dried...

Red Rooibos, properties and benefits

Red Rooibos, properties and benefits

Properties of rooibos red tea Autumn has arrived, we are in the first cold and, in some cases, the first rainy afternoons and "hygge" . What could be better than pampering yourself with hot and steaming drinks, perhaps reminding us of distant lands? The scent and aroma of rooibos red tea are very inviting in this sense, and let's not forget that the properties of this precious drink are remarkable: rich in proteins, mineral salts and vitamin C , red rooibos tea is above all a discreet natural antioxidant ; its color must be specified, because there is also a green version , Greenb...

Bach flowers for self-esteem

Bach flowers for self-esteem

The Bach Flowers for self-esteem are used in flower therapy to treat the lack of self-confidence and the sense of inadequacy, thus favoring a correct evaluation of oneself and one's potential, and the recovery of the ability to build success and happiness. A low self-esteem, in fact, constitutes an obstacle factor in a person's life, and is often linked to a discrepancy between the real self , that is the objective evaluation we make of ourselves and the ideal self , which corresponds to what we would like to be ...

Ginger tea: the variants

Ginger tea: the variants

Ginger: property Ginger is the underground part of a medicinal plant. It has the shape of a thick and twisted root, with a yellow color and a characteristic taste : pungent, balsamic and spicy. Ginger is very useful as a natural remedy, these are its main properties: > digestive ; > cough and cold soothing; > removes nausea ; > increases appetite ; > hypocholesterolizing ; > protects liver and gall bladder; > refreshes the breath ; > eliminates abdominal swelling ; > speeds up the metabolism ...

Hypericum oil: the healing energy of the sun, against burns and wounds

Hypericum oil: the healing energy of the sun, against burns and wounds

Hypericum oil is an oleolite obtained from the maceration of Hypericum perforatum flowers in a vegetable oil, and has a powerful healing action, very useful in case of burns, burns, wounds and bedsores. "Natural" carotene tank (terpene provitamin contained in carrots and in numerous vegetables to which it gives red or orange coloring , which our body transforms into vitamin A) and flavonoids (hypericin, rutin, quercetin and hyperoside), the oil of St...

Slimming tea

Slimming tea

Slimming tea, how does it work? It never ceases to repeat that tea, especially green tea, is a formidable antioxidant, which has beneficial and healthy virtues, but few perhaps know the action of catechins, a group of very active molecules of the flavonoid family, which they make tea a slimming drink: it is, specifically, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), very widespread both in tea leaves and in dark chocolate...

Autism: a help from flower essences

Autism: a help from flower essences

In the clinical developmental context, the term " autistic spectrum" is used to indicate the set of different symptoms that compromise different areas of development : the capacity for reciprocal social interaction, the ability to communicate, the presence of behaviors, interests and stereotyped activities and rigid...

Calamintha nepeta, properties and benefits

Calamintha nepeta, properties and benefits

Calamintha nepeta is the scientific name given to the aromatic herb popularly known as nepitella . The calamintha is very similar to the mint of which it remembers the form and even the smell of its leaves remembers the aroma of the mint but botanically it is not a mint. However, its similarity has given it the popular name of mint ...

Bach flowers and pregnancy

Bach flowers and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a magical moment in every woman's life. A Bach flower therapy that harmonizes the mother during pregnancy can only be of benefit to the unborn child, as well as everything that is harmonious and beautiful at this time. Since the disposition of mood during pregnancy changes more rapidly than in any other period of every woman's life, it is necessary to change the floral combination more often, similar to the changing moods...

Arnica against bruises

Arnica against bruises

Arnica is a rare plant that produces flower heads used to prepare anti-inflammatory remedies also used for bruising . Let's see in detail how to use arnica preparations in case of pain , bruising and other consequences of minor traumas. What is arnica and what it is used for Arnica montana is a perennial herbaceous panta belonging to the Asteraceae family ...

Hazelnut oil, the oil that purifies oily skin

Hazelnut oil, the oil that purifies oily skin

Hazelnut oil is a vegetable oil , light and pleasantly aromatic, amber-yellow in color, used both for food, for its powerful antioxidant and remineralizing properties , and in natural cosmetics, for the purifying action it performs on oily skin . Characterized by a delicate and slightly fragrant nutty flavor, it can be used as a condiment, in the daily diet of children and the elderly and in convalescences ; both as a natural product for cleaning the face, like a cleansing milk...

Premenstrual Syndrome and Bach Flowers

Premenstrual Syndrome and Bach Flowers

The term "menstruation" comes from the Latin menstruatio ("monthly payment") and the plural use indicates a cyclically recurring date. Menstruation is a natural occurrence in women, the first cycle can reach around 9 years while others may even arrive later, some even around the age of 16...

Essential oils for abdominal fat

Essential oils for abdominal fat

Abdominal fat afflicts many people, regardless of age, sex and, often, even lifestyle. The amount of fat that is deposited on the abdominal area varies from person to person, and depends on entirely personal causes. However, if it is true that a genetic predisposition can determine a more or less marked presence of fat in this area of ​​the body, rather than in other areas, it is equally true that the lifestyle greatly affects abdominal fat . Ho...

Herbal teas to speed up the metabolism

Herbal teas to speed up the metabolism

Thermogenesis is a particular metabolic process which consists in the production of heat by the body, especially in adipose and muscular tissue. Metabolism , and therefore also the extent of thermogenesis, depends on genetic factors, but not only. When the metabolism slows down, it is difficult to burn fat, so the balance's needle remains blocked...

10 essential oils to have always available

10 essential oils to have always available

The variety of essential oils is vast, and each oil has its own particular characteristics, but it is not necessary to always have a large number of essential oils available: just a few, versatile and with the most common uses , in order to begin to appreciate its qualities and also to use them daily ...

Blend of essential oils to cleanse the house in winter

Blend of essential oils to cleanse the house in winter

During the winter it is possible to use a synergistic mixture that, in addition to purifying the environment and the air , allows you to create an atmosphere that harmonizes with the season you are living, with the positive energy that can give us this period of year. Essential oils for the home in winter: doses and benefits > 8 drops of essential sweet orange oil ; relaxing, helps open the heart and optimism; > 3 drops of benzoin essential oil; strongly energizing, increases vitality; > 4 drops of geranium essential oil ; highly normalizing and balancing essence, it can be both a toni...

Wild fruit teas

Wild fruit teas

Wild berries, picked fresh and natural, are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2 and especially vitamin C and contain precious mineral salts for our body, in particular potassium . In addition to being rich in these important nutrients, red fruits acquire all the beneficial properties: they are in fact fruits with antioxidant, refreshing and remineralizing properties...

3 herbal teas for you (and your metabolism)

3 herbal teas for you (and your metabolism)

"I'm hungry." you repeat it and hunger grows. You say it silently trying to avoid the fridge. But that little voice is there. Are you hungry. Have you ever thought that, maybe you could be thirsty, rather than not hungry? And thirst for something as special as a natural herbal tea ? Here are three allies, one by chance, for metabolism, perpetual hunger and good humor , all extremely connected factors...

Green and red rooibos: properties and differences

Green and red rooibos: properties and differences

The rooibos is derived from the Aspalathus Linearis , a plant known by the local African name rooibos , deformation of the English "red bush", a red bush. It belongs to the Fabaceae family , so even calling it tea is not so correct, much better to call it "infused", because it derives, like all the other teas, from the Camellia Sinensis ...

Herbal herbal teas

Herbal herbal teas

Herbal herbal teas are part of those products included in the category of extractions called hydrolites , ie extractions of phytocomplexes from dry plants, coarsely or more finely shredded, through water for infusion, decoction, maceration or digestion. Methods of extracting the principles of herbal teas Maceration is obtained by putting the leaves in cold water for many hours; digestion is achieved through the same long process, but with hot water...

Hawthorn and wellness of the heart

Hawthorn and wellness of the heart

Hawthorn is a shrub of the Rosaceae family, very common in the wild species even in Italian woods. Its use as a natural remedy dates back to folk medicine : its wide availability makes it suitable for personal use in the form of decoctions and herbal teas. Hawthorn has always cared for the heart and its alterations ...

Guarana, a burst of energy

Guarana, a burst of energy

With the change of season the symptoms of physical and mental fatigue re-emerge: listlessness, memory loss, reduced concentration, fatigue, which can strike, however, even in the case of increased psychophysical stress. This is not a true pathology, but signals that the body sends us when it needs a burst of energy , or tonics capable of intervening on physiological processes, increasing resistance against environmental and psychophysical stress, to deal with load situations extraordinary...

Aromatherapy: placebo or real effect?

Aromatherapy: placebo or real effect?

Let's first see what aromatherapy consists of. The properties of plants and plant extracts known as essential oils have been studied for centuries, often with amazing effects. Just think of the embalming and mummification techniques of the Egyptian ducks, in which the use of essential oils has allowed the conservation of the bodies of the pharaohs up to the present day...

Tea according to the 5 element theory

Tea according to the 5 element theory

Green tea - wood element With the arrival of autumn and cold days, we wanted to dedicate ourselves to herbal teas. Many of you already know that, according to Chinese tradition, the interaction between the 5 elements is also considered in the kitchen. Various colors, flavors, properties of teas and herbal teas can be categorized and used according to our needs...

How to use Ginkgo biloba leaves

How to use Ginkgo biloba leaves

Ginkgo biloba, how to use it Ginkgo biloba is a tree native to China , widespread in our country for ornamental purposes. Ginkgo is the only survivor among the Ginkgoines, a group of Gymnosperms that became extinct some hundred million years ago. The ginkgo drug is made up of leaves containing flavoinoids, terpenic lactones called ginkgolides, sesquiterpenes, amino acids and proanthocyanidins ...

How the distiller works for essential oils

How the distiller works for essential oils

Plants are like small chemical laboratories, which produce very useful substances, for themselves, but also for us. These molecules can be extracted in many ways, depending on their chemical-physical characteristics, and their therapeutic uses. let's see how the essences are obtained and how a distiller works for essential oils...

Bach Flowers for excessive concern for others

Bach Flowers for excessive concern for others

Bach flowers due to the excessive concern for others are flower essences suitable for those who tend to want to change others , believing that they know what is best for them. The basic message that unites all Bach flowers belonging to this group is not to try to change others (on which, among other things, there is no real possibility of control), but to do the only thing that is in our exclusive power: change ourselves ...

Bitter herbs to purify the liver

Bitter herbs to purify the liver

The bitter flowers of the meadows, combined with stimulating minerals, purify the bile and free the cells from fats, chemical waste and food residues. When the liver is clean, you gain more strength to spend throughout the day. It digests better, the blood is more fluid, the skin is lighter and you get sick less because there are not too many metabolic wastes in the circulation...

Sage herbal tea for the stomach

Sage herbal tea for the stomach

The stomach is an important organ of our body because from there the food that feeds us passes, and it is the stomach that recirculates all the energy obtained from the diet. Treating it and pampering it is important, also thanks to herbal teas. An example is the sage herbal tea , which thanks to its digestive properties is useful for stomach health and against gastro-esophageal reflux...

Remedies for labyrinthitis

Remedies for labyrinthitis

Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear, it can be of infectious origin and mainly causes dizziness and nausea. Let's see if there are remedies for labyrinthitis and what they are. What is labyrinthitis, causes and symptoms Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear, in particular the labyrinth of the ear; it can affect only one ear or both and can occur as a single or recurrent episode...

Herbal tea with flu and cold

Herbal tea with flu and cold

The laurel is an aromatic plant with a bushy habit whose leaves and berries are rich in an essential oil with important medicinal properties. Not surprisingly, in fact, it is widely used against stomach ailments thanks to its digestive and carminative properties, but it is also very useful against colds, coughs and flu ...

Blend of essential oils to purify the home in the fall

Blend of essential oils to purify the home in the fall

During the autumn, essential oils purify the home and make it warm and cozy at the same time, but they can also help to lighten the air . The mixture of essential oils to purify the house in autumn allows to clean up the remaining rooms, due to the climate, increasingly closed and with little air circulation ...

Perugia Flower Show 2012: taking care of the garden opens the heart

Perugia Flower Show 2012: taking care of the garden opens the heart

In 1995, Bruce Springsteen released his single called Secret Garden . The song, then included in the soundtrack of the film Jerry Maguire , describes a woman with a dense, beautiful world to discover, like a secret garden. And the garden, as we know, is made of smells, splendid colors that guide, captivate and cure...

We keep the colon clean with herbal remedies

We keep the colon clean with herbal remedies

The natural remedies that are found in herbal medicine for colon cleansing are different, because they respond to the different causes that cause constipation, meteorism or irritable bowel. Seasonal or dietary changes, changes in normal daily living habits, stressful working hours, nervousness, worries, poor dietary regimes in water, fiber and mineral salts; Pharmacological and antibiotic treatments that alter the bacterial flora can be the basis of bowel disorders...

Green tea for weight loss

Green tea for weight loss

Green tea is a good ally for weight loss, scientific studies prove it. Clearly there is no need to drink some liters a day without doing the right diet and doing regular physical activity. Let's say its properties are such that it is an excellent drink to help overweight people lose weight . The main stimulant components of green tea that perform this function are theophylline and theobromine, which have a highly diuretic activity, gallic acid, caffeine and theine...

Bach flowers for the causes of anxiety

Bach flowers for the causes of anxiety

In very many cases when a person turns to natural cures he does so for problems concerning anxiety . Behind the common expression "I have anxiety" there are different negative emotional states, caused by multiple factors and leading to different physical and psychological manifestations in measures of variable gravity...

Chinese red tea

Chinese red tea

Where Chinese red tea comes from Chinese red tea, also called Pu-Erh, is a post-fermented tea that is produced in the southern Chinese province of Yunnan, on the border with Tibet. Many years ago, in fact, the leaves of this tea, westernly renamed red, grew spontaneously in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan...

Lemongrass: culinary recipes and more

Lemongrass: culinary recipes and more

The lemongrass is a perennial plant belonging to the group of grasses, which reaches a height of about one meter, with thin leaves. It has a bulb similar to that of leeks and lemongrass , both leaves and bulbs are used : the first can be chopped and added, even raw, to soups or fresh summer salads , while the bulbs can be used like garlic , or in addition to garlic, as a base for various recipes...