The bitter flowers of the meadows, combined with stimulating minerals, purify the bile and free the cells from fats, chemical waste and food residues.
When the liver is clean, you gain more strength to spend throughout the day.
It digests better, the blood is more fluid, the skin is lighter and you get sick less because there are not too many metabolic wastes in the circulation.
It is good to remember that the function of this organ is filter and purification, so as to expose it as little as possible to the great variety of attacks that often come from food.
The excess of lipids, especially the saturated and hydrogenated ones, overloads the hepatobiliary system disturbing the functional balance of the liver.
The food, part of the extra individual world that is brought into the individual, arrives in the stomach, a biological "furnace" where, through a chemical fire (for example, hydrochloric acid), the food is digested, "burned", that is its form and individuality is destroyed, it is transformed into its simplest components.
Some bitter, liver-friendly herbs
Dandelion is an excellent hepatic depurative and can also be used in salads. If you can pick it up in the meadows, choose the softer leaves and even the flowers: it should be seasoned with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice .
Another very valid remedy is red currant . You can blend it with clear apple juice without sugar; turns into an excellent draining aperitif.
Artichokes are excellent liver allies. Also fennel and hearts of chicory, should be enjoyed in pinzimonio as an appetizer : their bitter principles drain liver and gall bladder.
How to recognize and collect chicory?
A detoxifying juice for the liver
An excellent juice for the liver is based on these simple ingredients:- Fresh juice of artichoke leaves ( Cynara scolymus );
- Whole dandelion plant ( Taraxacum officinale );
- Bitter herbs like gentian ( Gentiana lutea, root);
- The holy thistle ( Cnicus benedictus ) and fibrino clover ( Menyantes trifoliata ).
It is excellent as a purifier in the autumn season but also in spring . Drink 10-20 ml during or after meals. If it is taken before meals, it stimulates the appetite.