Premenstrual Syndrome and Bach Flowers

The term "menstruation" comes from the Latin menstruatio ("monthly payment") and the plural use indicates a cyclically recurring date. Menstruation is a natural occurrence in women, the first cycle can reach around 9 years while others may even arrive later, some even around the age of 16.

What happens in our body with the presence of the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle involves a series of periodic hormonal and physiological changes, it could be divided into two phases "ovarian" and "uterine", in these phases different structures come into play "nervous system, hypothalamus, pituitary and ovary".

The menstrual cycle generally occurs every twenty-eight days calculating from the first day to the next beginning of the menstrual cycle, in this period there are a series of modifications to the endometrium that passes from a proliferative phase to a secretive one. The first phase regenerates the superficial layer of the endometrium which had flaked precisely with the previous menstruation, the second is necessary to create an optimal environment for fertilization. Usually the menstrual cycle lasts 4 to 6 days. So the menstrual cycle is nothing but the collapse of the endometrial cells, which occurs due to a decrease in the levels of estrogen and progesterone .

The presence of the menstrual cycle signals the beginning of fertility, therefore the hypothesis of a fertilization and therefore of a maternity also appears. I would say a very important step for a teenager, and attention to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

I would dare to say that the menstrual cycle is a normal component of the female gender, but very often they are experienced with a state of anxiety and malaise "as something that disturbs our projects", a series of sensations envelops us in those days, the sense of dirty even if we washed a moment before, the fear that others might smell that smell that is unpleasant to our sense of smell, the nervousness that assails us for every little thing without a real motivation and sometimes we feel depressed, the presence of that annoying headache, general malaise.

There are still around them a series of taboos, surely our mothers explained to us that with their presence of menstruation we became " adult women ", but they did not explain the reason for those changes. Let's talk about this in this article.

The week before the cycle we generally tend to close a little in ourselves. Once ovulation is over, which generally occurs between the 12th and 16th day of the cycle, there is a decrease in estrogen and testosterone and an increase in progesterone, which will lead to this closure towards ourselves with an energy decrease. During the menstrual cycle within a few hours from the beginning of the cycle there is an increase in estrogen, so we will begin to feel more relieved and lighter than in the previous days. The presence of estrogen that will last up to the 12th day will result in more enthusiasm and energy.

While in the days of ovulation, a term which means the release of a small egg by an ovary (alternating with each cycle), there is the possibility of having a motherhood; generally we feel more attracted to others and it is very likely that others actually find us more attractive in those days. In the last days before the cycle, on the other hand, estrogens, progesterone and testosterone all fall to very low levels, so we feel an attitude of resentment, anger, fatigue.

You can learn more about the properties and use of Bach flowers

How can we overcome these menstrual problems?

1) First of all attention to nutrition that must be healthy and balanced. I firmly support that our good health is born at the table and through it we can minimize health problems.

2) We can take magnesium which in the case of insomnia and agitation helps a lot, a teaspoon in the evening in a glass of warm water, if instead we have exhaustion 1 teaspoon in a ½ l bottle. of water to drink during the morning.

3) vitamin B6 and dog rose help a lot, diminish that feeling of exhaustion, nervousness, general tenderness. In this case Bach flowers can also help us , crab apple if in those days we have the feeling of feeling dirty, or at least we are annoyed by the cycle, impatiens, vervain in case of agitation and anxiety, then obviously there are others for every situation and it is always better to talk to a flower therapist first to use the right flowers and solve those temporary ailments we mentioned above.

We do not live the days of the cycle like a malaise, or something dirty but simply like ordinary days without giving up projects, weekends, cinema with friends, a swim by the sea or by the pool etc., the menstrual cycle is part of us is healthy that there is but above all is part of our femininity.

For those not yet aware of it, menstrual cups have been on the market for some years, they are very useful in my opinion, they solve a series of worries of those days, and also involve a good saving, since it is no longer necessary to buy packages of absorbent.

They are found quite easily on the internet, they are of 2 sizes, of various colors, they are hypoallergenic, of silicone, made just in the shape of a cup from which the name derives, easy to put on, they last about 3 years, they are easy to sterilize, they are empty 3 or 4 times a day and we will no longer have the feeling that others can smell that particular smell. I dare say that it was a beautiful invention.

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