Hypericum oil: the healing energy of the sun, against burns and wounds

Hypericum oil is an oleolite obtained from the maceration of Hypericum perforatum flowers in a vegetable oil, and has a powerful healing action, very useful in case of burns, burns, wounds and bedsores.

"Natural" carotene tank (terpene provitamin contained in carrots and in numerous vegetables to which it gives red or orange coloring, which our body transforms into vitamin A) and flavonoids (hypericin, rutin, quercetin and hyperoside), the oil of St. John's wort is rich in properties and is also known as the oil of San Giovanni.

The hypericum, in fact, is called St. John's wort, because the day dedicated to this saint corresponds to June 24, which coincides with the time of the collection and preparation of this wonderful natural remedy. The balsamic time of this plant falls exactly with the summer solstice, as if to symbolize the collection of solar energy, which this plant contains in itself. Not only that, it is the only one among oleolites whose maceration does not occur in the dark, but in direct sunlight, for the entire duration of a lunar cycle.

How to prepare hypericum oil

The oldest recipe for preparing St. John's wort oil involves the manual harvesting of flowers, on land far from traffic and located in pristine areas. Fresh flowers should be placed in an airtight glass jar and covered with olive oil or sunflower seeds . The container is closed and exposed to the sun for about 1 month.

After a few days the oil takes on an intense ruby red color. It is necessary to turn the jar upside down from time to time in order to optimize the extraction of the active ingredients. Once the exposure time to the sun is over, all the oil is recovered, filtering it with a thin cloth, and then pouring it into a dark glass bottle that always has hermetic closure .

The action of hypericum oil on burns

For the properties of St. John's wort to be maximally exhausted, it is good to apply it directly to the sores caused by burns on which it is able to totally eliminate the pain after just a few minutes and as long as the sore is covered with hypericum oil the pain don't reappear. The healing of the lesions, even the most serious ones, occurs very quickly and without the typical wrinkles of burn scars. But let's see how it works on a case by case basis.

  • In first-degree burns, such as sunburn, a couple of hypericum oil applications are usually sufficient to solve the problem.
  • For second-degree burns, characterized by the formation of water bubbles, hypericum oil prevents necrosis of the raised skin, stops the process of exudation which leads to the rapid growth of the bladders, thanks to the action of the hypericin on the circle capillary damaged and allows the regeneration of damaged tissues, without these ever coming into contact with the outside and therefore with the bacteria. This is due not only to the antibacterial action of the active ingredients contained in the hypericum, but also to the fact that the raised epidermis does not come off until the complete healing of the underlying part.
  • In third-degree burns: bubbles do not form because the skin has been burned. In this case the hypericum oil fully shows its vasoprotective properties and decreases the vasal permeability by stopping the transudation of the burned areas which, in severe cases, affect a large surface of the body and represent the main cause of death. The healing is fast without wrinkling, while the sores are not infected.

Perico oil among the natural remedies for sunburn

Properties and benefits of hypericum oil

Hypericum oil has been used since ancient times for its healing and emollient properties, capable of stimulating cell regeneration . This is why the reason has always been used against burns, sunburn, in case of skin blemishes, psoriasis, dry skin on the face and body, skin aging, bedsores, stretch marks, scars, and signs caused by 'acne.

Of this preparation it could be said that it is a true health treatment, and probably one of the most powerful and effective anti-wrinkle and anti-aging products that exists in nature. It also has an analgesic action on joint pains.

Description of the plant

( Hypericum perforatum )

Very common in dry soils, along the edges of roads, on the edges of fields and in clearings, it grows up to an altitude of 1600 m, the plant with short rhizome and erect stem (1 m.), Woody and branched. The leaves are opposite oval or oblong, pattered with tiny transparent glands (containing the essential oil) that in backlight look like small holes and give it the name " perforated ". The flowers, of an intense yellow color, are united in a sort of corimbo, they appear in summer; if crumpled they color the skin with red. The whole plant has a pleasant smell.

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