Oligotherapy and essential minerals for life

Oligotherapy: what it is

Oligotherapy is a natural therapy that uses minerals with a molecular size, which makes them able to dissolve completely in water. These substances present in reduced concentrations are called trace elements (from the Greek " oligos ", meaning "little"), that is "elements present in traces" in our body in a concentration lower than 0.01% of the total body weight. Minerals perform important functions regardless of their quantity, participating in the structure of organs and tissues, or acting as coenzymes that activate important biochemical reactions. Their deficiency induces physiological and structural alterations, therefore their contribution prevents or heals some organic imbalances, derived from their absence.

Oligotherapy is a therapy that can be associated with other alternative medicines, such as homeopathy, phytotherapy and naturopathy, but it must nevertheless respect its own modalities, intake times and its own dosages. This is an aspect that is very important for oligotherapy to have its own healing effects and since it is a treatment that acts in depth, which modifies the "ground", that is the nature of the patient, it is only with constancy. of the intake of the various trace elements, which may generate healing.

Oligotherapy and diathesis

The French doctor Jacques Ménétrier considered the father of this discipline, in 1930 he identified 4 organic soils associated with some trace elements, which he called diathesis . These diathesis correspond to conditions of the organism characterized by specific physical, intellectual and emotional components, specific to the subject. Since there are no pure diathesis, one can find individuals belonging mainly to one and partially to another diathesis. In any case, the 4 categories can be subdivided into diathesis of birth (1st and 2nd) and involutionary diathesis (3rd and 4th), characterized by a deterioration of the cellular soil caused by a bad lifestyle and / or aging.

Oligotherapy essentially heals the areas affected by one or more diathesis. There is a fifth diathesis, a condition that also reflects the so-called maladjustment syndromes, more specifically linked to hormonal disorders that can arise at any age. The diathesis may be of genetic origin or develop following conditions of particular psychophysical stress.

Therefore the symptoms, the suffering and the pathologies that oligotherapy can cure can be identified by single diathesis.

1) Allergic or arthritic diathesis: diathesis that includes all those mainly allergic disorders. Manganese (Mn) is its bio-catalytic remedy. It is characterized on the psycho-emotional level by the assumption of behavior oriented towards optimism, emotion and hyperactivity. While anger and irritation occur when faced with stressful situations. The subject is usually lazy and in a bad mood, he is also asthenic in the morning but euphoric, tireless and fully fit in the evening. It will develop when its soil is altered, allergies of various kinds, asthma and food intolerance, circulatory and gastrointestinal disorders, hyperthyroidism.

2) Hypostenic or arthrotubercular diathesis : diathesis that includes in itself a predisposition to contract diseases characterized by relapsing infectious processes, which concern the respiratory system (cough and bronchitis), otorhinolaryngology (colds and otitis), gastrointestinal and also urinary tract (cystitis) . Its remedy is Manganese-Copper (Mn-Cu) . The subject concerned is characterized by a calm, reflective and methodical behavior. It also has little resistance to intellectual or physical effort, therefore projected towards easy exhaustion and towards evening fatigue.

3) Dystonic or neuro-arthritic diathesis : indicates that set of morbid tendencies generated by a dystonia of the neurovegetative system. Manganese-Cobalt (Mn-Co) is the remedy. As already mentioned, this diathesis is one of the "old" ones, because it tends to occur after the age of 40 . For this reason it can also be defined as " involution diathesis" because it appears following the symptoms of alterations of the first and / or second diathesis. The person concerned is characterized by anxiety, morning fatigue, tachycardia and hypertension, insomnia, irritable bowel, gastritis, decreased memory and concentration and mainly by progressive daily fatigue that is manifested through a feeling of tiredness in the legs .

4) Anergic diathesis: definable diathesis as the most serious but also the "oldest", because it concerns the impairment of the general state of health rather than localized disorders; characterized by a reactivity of the organism absent or very reduced. Its remedy is Copper-Gold-Silver (Cu-Au-Ag) . This diathesis is characterized by the lack of vitality, reduced capacity for adaptation and creativity. It can be mild and only transient when it comes to periods of convalescence after debilitating diseases. Or it can be severe and chronic, when it is a prelude to degenerative manifestations. The subject, in this case, progressively loses intellectual faculties such as attention, the ability to coordinate, memory, and manifests an attitude of renunciation that leads to isolation and depression. Rest does not alleviate the general tiredness that is felt and apathy and decreased libido take possession of the individual.

Discover the properties and benefits of manganese

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