Red Rooibos, properties and benefits

Properties of rooibos red tea

Autumn has arrived, we are in the first cold and, in some cases, the first rainy afternoons and "hygge" . What could be better than pampering yourself with hot and steaming drinks, perhaps reminding us of distant lands?

The scent and aroma of rooibos red tea are very inviting in this sense, and let's not forget that the properties of this precious drink are remarkable: rich in proteins, mineral salts and vitamin C, red rooibos tea is above all a discreet natural antioxidant ; its color must be specified, because there is also a green version, Greenbush rooibos, whose leaves are not fermented, but dried and the oxidation process (unlike the red rooibos) is blocked by steam.

A true infusion of well-being, rooibos tea contains iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese and sodium .

Among the benefits of this particular tea - it does not belong, like the other teas known to the Camelia Sinensis or Assamica families, it is rather a plant by itself, the Aspalathus linearis - it also includes its invigorating intake during pregnancy. Not containing caffeine (theine), it can be taken in large quantities and is suitable for all ages.

Origin of rooibos tea

Africa is the country of origin of this tea so special, belonging to the Leguminose family and cultivated above all in the southern area of ​​the country, where, in certain areas, it grew naturally. In Afrikans, the language spoken by the colonists from Holland, "Rooibos" means "red shrub" .

This youtube video clearly illustrates the history of red tea, whose production has expanded over the years, partially mechanized and diversified. The harvest takes place between January and April, by manually cutting the branches of these bushes that closely resemble the broom. The fermentation and oxidation processes will give the crushed tea leaves the characteristic amber color and the characteristic sweet aroma.

Recipes with rooibos tea

A rooibos tea spiced milk to warm up your relaxing afternoon, reading books and arranging your home is prepared like this:

Ingredients for two people:

> 4 teaspoons of rooibos red tea leaves;

> two cloves;

> 6 previously crushed cardamom pods;

> a cinnamon stick;

> a piece of fresh ginger;

> milk (vegetable or not, to taste) a couple of cups.


Put all the spices in a bowl, then bring a small pot of water to a boil, turn off and add them together with the red rooibos tea . Leave to infuse for about 15 minutes, then filter and add the infusion to the boiling milk, considering the proportion of 15% infused and the rest of the milk. Mix well and sweeten to taste with honey or syrups.

An even more "hot" version? It is used to prepare this drink also adding Amarula, a liqueur cream produced in South Africa based on wild fruit, whose taste is reminiscent of slightly fruity caramel.

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