5 tips to sleep well

It is essential to dedicate the right hours to sleep and ensure quality sleep . It is our health, our mental and physical well-being, our daily performances and also our beauty !!!

When we sleep we recharge our batteries, our vegetative nervous system: the body rests, the mind relaxes, the memory regenerates.

This allows us to face work or study days with the right energy, concentration and determination. Quality sleep is also good for our skin, which relaxes and regenerates at the cellular level.

Here are 5 tips to facilitate a good sleep and integrate the rest hours into the time we dedicate to our activities: because sleeping is not lost time!

1) Hot bath

A warm bath before bedtime promotes sleep. In fact it has vasodilatory and muscle relaxant effects, so that both the neurovegetative system and the muscular one relax and prepare well for the night rest.

The hot bath also promotes a faster thermal excursion of the body, helps to lower the pressure and "numbs" a little by introducing us to a pre-sleep.

2) Infusions that relax and promote sleep

A pre / pro sleep herbal tea warms the stomach, relaxes the entire gastric apparatus, often home to psychosomatic tensions and based on the type of herbal tea, transmits its own input to the different mental and physical districts.

Valeriana, Camomilla, Passiflora, Tiglio and Melissa are valid remedies to choose according to personal needs.

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3) Time to sleep

Time for sleep, such as work and daily activities, requires its organization. It is a good idea to dedicate a constant hourly rate to sleep.

Lying down and getting up in the morning if possible at the same time allows you to set a regular sleep-wake rhythm that harmonizes our biological clock.

4) Where to sleep

Environment in which to sleep : it is important that the place dedicated to rest and sleep is a clean environment from any electromagnetic pollution.

In fact, the presence of computers, cellular equipment, televisions can interfere with our sleep and its quality, because they could stress our brain waves and not allow us to do all the sleep phases.

The bedroom temperature should not be too high. Excessive heat dries the jaws, burdens breathing and does not allow restful rest, as it keeps the body energies high.

5) Sleep Positions

Positions to sleep in: the base is essential, which is a good quality mattress and pillow that allows the correct posture of the spine and the right compensations for lumbar and cervical lordosis and dorsal kyphosis.

Each of us has a favorite position in which he sleeps more easily.

I advise you to avoid sleeping in a prone position, on your stomach, because the lumbar support does not find the right support and can then hurt in the morning. Also the neck would undergo incorrect torsions and breathing could be difficult.

Chronic insomnia? Try these remedies

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