Win the war on mosquitoes naturally

First of all it is necessary to make a premise: the best antidote to mosquitoes is prevention. This means mosquito nets on all windows and balconies; it means avoiding stagnation of water (for example in manholes) sluice and larvicidal mosquito nets.

A solution often overlooked is that of the trap, which attracts mosquitoes for example with light or heat and then catch them forever with the help of a fan. Of course, they need electricity but they are still better than any chemical spray! A trap that does not need electricity is the traprappola, which specifically uses the "controlled" stagnant water in which mosquitoes will lay eggs, which is then emptied every few days.

Natural predators are among the best natural mosquito remedies : for example bats, for which you can buy or create a batbox, a small shelter that attracts the bats of the area.

Then there are the repellent plants, such as the Catambra, one of the most powerful against mosquitoes, to the point that several municipalities have equipped themselves to plant them in their own public parks; other plants that drive away mosquitoes are the fragrant geraniums, lemongrass, lavender.

And if we want to spray on a spray, or use a cream? When banning chemicals, there are totally natural products like essential oils, or like neem oil, which is obtained from an Indian insecticide plant: this is an environment spray, but we can use essential oils on our skin properly mixed to an odorless cream (obviously paying attention to any intolerances and allergies!).

Any examples? Citronella, essential oil of geranium, mint, ledum marsh, aroma of guna, eucalyptus and many others.

Even food and even clothing can help us out against mosquitoes: eating garlic (for those who tolerate it!), Chilli, brewer's yeast, or foods rich in vitamin C helps because they give the sweat an odor unwelcome to insects; in the same way, wearing green, yellow or white clothes may be less attractive for mosquitoes, which are attracted to black!

Written by editorial staff

How to make an anti-mosquito ecological trap

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