How to choose and administer flowers for children

Bach flowers

Bach flowers are modest-looking plants, they grow and are harvested in uncontaminated places and in the wild, they are non-toxic and do not cause allergies. They are plants that, if cultivated, lose all healing properties.

We remember that when man appeared on the planet, the plants were in a phase of evolutionary development already very advanced, almost perfect. Flower Therapy is a natural therapeutic method. And today it finds ever greater supporters of psychosomatic humanistic medicine and holistic healing.

However, we have seen that today not everyone is able to understand and accept the simplicity and the greatness of Bach's thought, according to which he acts at the level of subtle vibrations, directly on the human energy system.

According to Bach, any disease from insomnia to cervical arthrosis, from stuttering to cystitis is always the c oncretization of a mental attitude .

Choice of flowers in newborns

It may seem strange but the choice of flowers is very simple in the newborn. Obviously after listening to the mother, the therapist gets an idea of ​​which flowers are needed, but not enough, then the bottle of the chosen flower is placed in the baby's cradle or pram and the reaction is expected, within a few minutes we will see that the child smiles serenely or screams, cries, stirs, here in the first case the flower is fine while in the other 3 something is wrong, it will mean that we will do another test with a different flower because maybe what we thought is not suitable in that moment.

This is one of the simplest tests but very useful for me at least. Another test could be to spray the chosen product on the pillow and decide based on the reactions of the newborn. Yes, it is the child who gives us the confirmation of the choice.

Generally, however, the negative emotions of the child are the mirror of the mother, so it is also considered the case to recommend a cocktail to the mother based on the interview that took place for the child.


The administration of the flowers can be done in various ways: in milk if you use artificial milk, passed on the forehead, inserted in the oil when massaging your baby, if breast-fed the mother will take them and consequently the baby through the breast milk, sprayed on the pillow in the cradle, various solutions can be found in the bath water and the dosages are the same as those of adults.

Preparation of the cocktail

The basic preparation for Bach flowers is ¼ brandy and ig oligomineral water or source or solarized water. In children, the brandy is usually replaced with apple vinegar, which in any case serves as a preservative. It is possible in cases where for reasons of religion the family does not use alcohol, in this we can make a preparation only with water, the difference is that it has a duration of only 20 days.

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