Stomach, disorders and all remedies

The stomach is an organ of the digestive system, located between the esophagus and the small intestine. Coated with cells that receive food, it can be affected by various disorders caused by stress or bad eating habits . We find out better how to cure it and keep it healthy.

Anatomical description of the stomach

Located between the esophagus and small intestine, the stomach is covered with a carpet of special cells that hold food. The foods are thermoregulated in the path of the esophagus and then reach the stomach. In the stomach we find glands that secrete chloridic acid and pepsin, juices that attack food for a first digestion. This organ can be divided into five districts: cardias, fundus, body, cavern and pylorus.

In the stomach there is a dense arterial network originating from the branches of the celiac trunk; it is innervated by the parasympathetic nervous system (vagus nerve), which is responsible for stimulating the secretion of HCl and gastrin and for controlling gastric motility, and from the sympathetic nervous system (splanchnic nerves originating from the celiac ganglion) which coordinates inhibitory, secretory and motor activities .

Treatments and natural therapies for the stomach

Stress or extravagance at the table can put a strain on the stomach. If the bad eating habits become chronic, one goes towards pathologies such as dyspepsia, gastritis and gastric ulcer . Disorders which in turn increase the pain and increase the frequency with which it occurs. Lastly, stomach pain may have a bacterial origin (for example Helicobacter pylori ).

In these cases lactic ferments can help a lot to restore the natural defenses. In case of heaviness in the stomach: red tea and peppermint . Ginger is also a valid stomach ally.

The best diet for purification and well-being of the stomach is a balanced vegetarian diet, carried out with great awareness of all aspects of adequate nutritional intake.

Discover the symptoms and natural remedies to cure stomach acid


There are yoga techniques that regularize the functions of the stomach and give new vigor and effectiveness to digestion. In a broader sense, going to relax the nervous system, yoga also works on the management of anxiety and all those disorders that are obstacles to a harmonious digestion.

Remember that the stomach before the practice should be empty or at most a light meal 1 or 2 hours before practicing. If you suffer from glycemic declines, a small handful of dried fruit will be enough 30 minutes before the practice.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine the stomach and spleen are called "posterior sky root" or "origin of transformation and production": the Stomach provides for the absorption, the Spleen for the transport and transformation of the ingested food. Ren12, point of the 'extraordinary' meridian Ren Mai is often painful in gastric pathologies. In TCM the Stomach can be struck by Yin's Void, attacked by the Liver, can accommodate a stasis of Blood or Fire.

In the ideogram associated with the Stomach there is the notion of bridge, of access to the exterior. Its name is Wei, which is the name of a constellation located to the west, the celestial barn, which commands all the granaries and 5 cereals, therefore nourishment.

Other disciplines

In plantar reflexology the stomach is on both feet : the initial tract on one foot, just below the canal of reflex points of the esophagus, and the other section, the final one, on the other foot, the right. It is massaged with an unloading movement of the thumb. Together with the spleen, it is included in the loggia of the Earth, an area on which one often acts when the subject is in a general state of imbalance.

Curiosity on the stomach

Taking a ride in the stomach with Piero Angela is priceless ... (Excerpt from the program "La Macchina Meravigliosa", by Piero Angela, directed by R. Costantini - 1990).

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