How to cook tofu in a pan

Precious and healthy like tofu

Summer is coming and, with it, slimming diets. Steady point for vegans and vegetarians with extra pounds - yes, it happens to them too! - is to include a good dose of vegetable protein in the diet.

Now, given that the fashion of the Seitan seems relatively diminished, especially by virtue of the gluten factor, and that it is always better to consume simple products rather than meatballs prepared from industrial transformations, the imperative becomes: learning to cook natural tofu so variegated and rapid.

Here are some tips to prepare tofu quickly and deliciously, sautéing it with a few other ingredients.

The tofu in the pan, foreplay

Taking into account the fact that we cannot consider the oven as a cooking tool for tofu-based dishes, all we have to do is strive to arm ourselves with pans, grills and plates. The basis from which to start is your natural tofu cake, whether homemade or purchased in stores or supermarkets.

First of all we consider the quantity: usually 100-110 grams, considering it as a single dish or a second dish, are sufficient for one person. A little less if it is added to pasta dishes (pesto, cubes in carbonara, etc.).

An important step must then be taken, that is, boiling the tofu in water for about 6-8 minutes . This will allow your cake to have a softer texture, without the hated "cardboard effect" under the teeth.

Grilled tofu

A first simple and tasty way is to cook the tofu on the griddle . Cut the dough into slices about half a centimeter thick and place them on the slightly oiled grill pan.

You can then sweep with the other ingredients: soy sauce, seaweed and some oily seeds for those who love classic flavors, paprika or chilli with oregano and salt for those who prefer Mediterranean flavors, smoked salt, pepper and rosemary or other herbs for those who wish vary a little on the subject. Together with the tofu you can sauté onions, courgettes or aubergines cut into thin strips, just let it cook for a couple of minutes on both sides on the hot plate.

Tofu cubes in a pan

Very fast to prepare, the tofu cubes are obtained from the previously boiled loaf. Sauté in a pan for a few minutes with fresh ginger flakes and a crushed garlic clove (which is then removed) or with thinly sliced ​​spring onion. In this way they can be used to dress warm cereal salads or cous cous, as well as to complete unique dishes based on seasonal vegetables.

Alternatively, they are sautéed with flaxseed, water, smoked salt, pepper and parsley to accompany pasta alla carbonara veg or with tomato and chilli pepper for pasta all'Amatriciana.

Sautéed tofu triangles

In a pan just heat a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, add a clove of garlic which is then removed, sliced champignon mushrooms and the tofu cut into triangles. Cook for about 15 minutes, adding salt and pepper, adding a fine handful of chopped fresh parsley .

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