The fermented papaya, the natural source of antioxidants

In phytotherapy, food supplements based on fermented Papaya are used to reinvigorate the body, raise the immune system and slow down the process of premature aging caused by the action of free radicals.

Research has shown that the active ingredients contained in the fermented papaya are able to combat oxidative stress, caused by the breakdown of the physiological balance, between the production and elimination, by antioxidant defense systems, against oxidizing substances .

However, it is necessary to distinguish between the antioxidant properties of the fruit in its natural state, and those, more pronounced, acquired by it at the end of an alcoholic fermentation at a low temperature lasting 8-10 months.

The antioxidant properties allow the body to defend itself from what experts call oxidative stress, that is the excess of free radicals in the body.

Oxidative stress and premature aging

An incorrect lifestyle, exposure to UVA and UVB rays, atmospheric pollution, to toxic substances (such as solvents, heavy metals, pesticides, detergents), water contamination, infections, a diet lacking in mineral salts and vitamins and excessive psycho-physical fatigue weaken the body and "age" it prematurely. All these factors produce reactive molecules in our body called free radicals.

Normally, in conditions of good health, free radicals are deactivated by antioxidant substances, but they can become harmful if in excess, because they damage all the components of the cell, including proteins, lipids and DNA. In fact the increase of these attacks induces wrong codes in the genomes. The repetition of these errors causes cell death (apoptosis).

The more frequent these manifestations are, the faster the aging of the skin (wrinkles, loss of elasticity, spots), of the eyes (cataracts, macular degeneration), of the brain (Alzheimer, brain degeneration), diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, muscle degeneration. Normal human cells have a limited number of cell divisions and eventually enter a state of non-divisibility called repeatable senility .

The immune system is closely linked to the antioxidant system because, among other things, it deals with destroying the components of cells altered by oxidative stress. The lowering of our natural defenses is often accompanied by a weakening of the endocrine glands with a decrease in the various hormones essential for the proper functioning of the organism.

But how can papaya be eaten?

The properties of fermented papaya

The properties of fermented papaya derive from the presence of numerous enzymes, mineral salts and vitamins that carry out a powerful antioxidant and energizing activity . The unripe fruit of the papaya contains many more enzymes than the mature one and among these the most important are the papain, the chimopapaina and the papaialisozima .

In addition to these enzymes, in its phytocomplex we also find vitamin E , vitamin C, vitamin A, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, calcium, phosphorus, iron in a highly available form and in considerable quantities.

  • Antioxidant action : studies carried out recently have confirmed that the fermented papaya has a general "rejuvenating" effect mainly due to enzymes, very important substances that become part of all the body's chemical reactions, able to activate and promote processes fundamental aspects of life itself. Modern food often does not provide us with an adequate amount of enzymes, since cooking and preservation deplete our food with these fundamental nutrients, for this reason it is useful to supplement with the papaya fermented to counteract aging.
  • Protective action: the papaya reduces the incidence of some cardiovascular, cutaneous and neoplastic degenerative diseases. The flavonoids present regulate the permeability of blood vessels, favoring blood circulation in general. Furthermore they inhibit the synthesis of numerous enzymes involved in tumor genesis processes. Potassium, magnesium and calcium are useful in the proper functioning of bones, especially during menopause to prevent osteoporosis . Vitamin E protects cell membranes from degradation processes (lipoperoxidation) and has vasoprotective and skin-elasticizing properties .
  • Immunostimulant action : the fermented papaya strengthens the immune system helping the body to defend itself from external aggressions, because it helps to restore the acid-base balance, due to the alkalinizing effect of the papain enzyme. The pathogenic bacteria that habitually live in our intestines, proliferate in an acid environment, if we reverse the pH to the soil they die, and consequently our immune system is strengthened starting from the bacterial flora.
  • Digestive action: papain also has a proteolytic action, ie it favors the degradation of proteins by the body. By helping to break down proteins more quickly, on the one hand it improves digestion, while on the other hand it counteracts the formation of waste substances that the body must eliminate, as toxic, supporting excretory organs, eliminating and eliminating toxins, thus purifying the blood.

Papaya and mango leaves: benefits and uses

Image | Wikimedia

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