Meditation, 10 good reasons to practice it

Perhaps there is no need, but return to underline what are the peculiarities of meditation and the consequences that such a constant practice can bring with it.

Meditating helps to improve the quality of life, it is for the spirit a lightening from the buzz of the mind . It has beneficial effects on the posture of the body (but also of the mind) and acts positively on the whole of our body. These few words would be more than enough to convince even the most recalcitrant at least to try, even once.

Meditation is, in effect, the surest means of bringing the social ego closer to the Self, to the inner Master, to be ever more aware of reality and Truth. An intimate moment of transformation, of direct conversation with that part of us that is closely connected to the entirety of the universal plan, from which it never moves away.

But, more simply, we can list without any denial some good tangible reasons for undertaking the practice of meditation :

  1. Meditating means giving yourself a loving hug, coming into contact with that part of us that we often forget.
  2. Meditating instills a great joy that remains in us for days.
  3. Meditating turns on the smile, in the soul and in the face.
  4. Meditating is like an umbrella that shelters from the rain of suffering of everyday life.
  5. It instills the certainty of being able to do anything with a positive look both inside and towards everything that surrounds us.
  6. It is the only true method to find a peaceful state of mind .
  7. It makes us natural, closer to the carelessness of children.
  8. Rejuvenates and regenerates thoughts, so much so that it is possible to face everyday life with enthusiasm.
  9. It teaches perseverance, it helps to never give up, even in moments of great suffering.
  10. It makes it possible to understand that sadness, depression and anxiety are unnecessary habits and that, through constant practice, they can do without it.

The best practices of meditation are those that rain down on us to the improvised, as if they were a need that strikes us from above, that High which is the dimension of our higher Self, that which is not affected by the daily life of human nature.

This necessity almost leaves us no possibility of choosing and we just have to walk the path that appears before us. A sort of unique sense: meditation.

In fact, in these moments, which are so rare, a sort of miracle really happens. No need to be in a particular place, on top of a splendid mountain, in the midst of a verdant forest or on the banks of a lush and auspicious river. On these occasions, we are enveloped and imbued with a grace that is unmatched. It would be fantastic to be able to hear its voice and, instead of avoiding it with useless noises of the mind ("so nothing happens", "they are just oriental lies" and so on), simply remain still, listening .

The words he brings with him are always true revelations. It does not matter if we can turn off or evade every thought that comes to our attention. You can meditate simply by being calm and serene and, why not, perhaps reflecting and remembering.

Or, even more simply, by asking ourselves a question and letting the answer spontaneously emerge, from sincere listening, that of the heart.

Or, admitted and not granted that we can really be relaxed, it is possible to reflect on something that has been learned or an attitude that has just been externalized and is not customary, trying to understand it, simply observing it from every possible angle and in total absence of judgment.

It goes without saying that meditation is not a miracle but it undoubtedly looks a lot like a temple in which any miracle can happen. Just sit and wait.

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