Massage therapy in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a rich repository of recipes, whose effectiveness has been tested over time and which serve to treat diseases and disorders but not only.

The techniques of Ayurvedic medicine allow to strengthen the immune system by carrying out an action of prevention, conservation and promotion of good health.

In fact, despite the enormous advances of modern medicine, still today too little has been done in the field of health prevention, a sector largely developed by Ayurvedic medicine with the name of Pancakarma.

The primary purpose of Pancakarma therapy is to cleanse the body of all accumulated impurities and tissue nourishment.

Once this is achieved it is easy to rejuvenate the tissues by preventing the aging process, thus prolonging the life span and ensuring a disease-free old age. If the Pancakarma therapy is applied appropriately, even those who fall ill will be more receptive to various remedies, including oil massage.

Oil massage before bathing is a habit that is regularly practiced throughout rural India and still maintains its status as a religious ritual today. Suffice it to say that according to Vagbhata a person who wants to conserve and promote their health or prevent and treat their ailments should use massage therapy every day.

The benefits of Ayurvedic massage

In particular the ayurvedic massage as taught in the Ayurvedic massage courses of the DIABASI ® massage school allows you to obtain the following benefits:

> prevent and correct aging processes (jara);

> helping the person overcome the fatigue (exhaustion) caused by work;

> prevent and treat diseases of the nervous system (vata);

> promoting good vision (drsti prasada);

> help nourish the body (pusti);

> helping the individual sleep well (svapna);

> promote the vigor of the individual (dardhya).

In Ayurvedic medicine the benefits of ayurvedic massage are often described with metaphors and Caraka himself describes the usefulness of oil massage as follows: "If a container is covered with an oily substance then the water in the container can come out very easily. Similarly, if the body is oiled, the three factors that cause the disorders (Vayu, Pitta and Kapha) can exit the body without much difficulty ".

To be effective and maintain a healthy person, the massage must therefore be done regularly, just as with food. In theory it should be practiced before the bath in order to easily wash away the excess oil used for the massage and after an hour from it.

Courses to learn Ayurvedic massage

There are several courses available throughout the national territory to learn the technique of Ayurvedic massage .

Studying to become Ayurvedic massage therapists means learning about the various techniques of Ayurvedic massage, constantly referring to Doshas and relying on them. Only in this way it is in fact possible to learn the characteristics of the various constitutions and apply the most suitable treatment to each of them. Furthermore you will learn the most unusual concepts of Ayurvedic medicine.

A truly complete training course involves the acquisition of massage techniques for Dosha Vata, Pitta and Kapha and also includes two further treatments:

> The treatment of the Foot with the Kansu;

> Pindasweda massage, small bags with medicinal herbs that act on the mind and body

So if you are a wellness operator or a professional masseur and you want to learn a new technique that is increasingly in demand to keep your body in perfect health, preventing and slowing down the aging process, then the study of Ayurvedic massage is the answer to your needs.

In fact Ayurveda has been developing massage techniques for thousands of years that represent the best prevention and treatment for any disease.

Read also How to make a body massage oil >>

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