On a diet for autumn without too many sacrifices

The return to work, the changing climate, the shorter days ... these are all factors that certainly do not help the mood .

Going on a diet for the fall, then, is never easy and therefore limiting oneself to food this season may not be a winning idea. But how is it done if the relaxation of summer and holidays has brought a few extra pounds?

Keeping the excess weight is certainly not good, especially for health reasons, but drastic renunciation is not necessary; it is indeed possible to lose weight by eating. But how? Here are some tips so that the autumn diet is successful.

Exercise and diet for the fall

There is no diet that works without it being associated with increased physical activity . Don't renounce to sport in autumn, on the contrary, remember that autumn is the best time to enroll in the gym ; the courses, in fact, almost all begin at this time of the year.

Before leaving in the fourth and then regretting having registered, it's good to choose a sports center near your home or office and make sure that the times are flexible and suitable for your needs: comfort helps motivation and therefore the achievement of target. It is also useful that the gym has a varied equipment and, ideally, offers a wide choice of courses ; in this way it is possible to personalize the training but also prevent it from becoming bored.

If you have time, go and visit it, perhaps after a first look on the net, if the structure is online. Get an idea about the instructors, try to understand if you breathe a healthy atmosphere.

Try the minestrone diet with autumn vegetables

Positive thought. Why go on a diet in the fall?

Here are three thoughts that increase motivation when choosing a diet for the fall:

  1. Going on a diet means taking care of your health . If I follow a proper diet I will feel better and it will be easier to get back on track this fall.
  2. Going on a diet does not mean giving up everything that is good. You can also lose weight by eating and you should not lose weight quickly . If I go on a diet in the fall and slowly lose the extra pounds I will get to the next summer in better shape than ever.
  3. Going on a diet means taking care of your body. If I lose the extra pounds I will feel more attractive; a different haircut and a new dress will do the rest.

Foods to be included in the diet for the autumn

Even in the case of the diet for the autumn, when it comes to the diet to lose weight, DIY is never a good idea. Before embarking on a restrictive diet it is therefore a good idea to contact a dietician or nutritionist.

Having said that, however, you must learn to eat correctly and a diet for autumn cannot do without seasonal fruit and vegetable consumption : broccoli, cabbage, artichokes, pumpkins, cabbage, spinach, apples, Italian kiwis, pomegranates, etc. they must never fail on our tables.

    The vegetables, of course, will be cooked in a simple way, preferably steamed, without the addition of fatty toppings, with the exception of a teaspoon of olive oil.

    The fruit of autumn, even the very sugary one, is fine, as long as it is in season (grapes, lotuses ...) and as long as you do not overdo it with the quantities.

    Is dieting worthwhile?

    3 autumn recipes

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