Dog and cat blepharitis, all remedies

Curated by Maria Rita Insolera, Naturopath

Blepharitis is a disorder that can frequently affect the dog or cat. Nature provides excellent remedies to cure it, let's see better what they are.


What is blepharitis

Blepharitis is an inflammation of a microbial, parasitic or allergic nature, which affects the eyelids and its appendages.

Symptoms of dog and cat blepharitis

Blepharitis presents several symptoms, all easily recognizable:

  • swollen and reddened eyelid;
  • eye pain;
  • semi-closed eyes for annoyance;
  • frequent use by the animal of scratching with a paw (which can cause injury to the eye);
  • serous exudation and crusts (typical in the case of bacterial blepharitis).

Dog blepharitis: cures and natural remedies

If the dog is suffering from blepharitis, it is possible to resort to some natural remedies.

Chamomile, for example, has an antibacterial and analgesic action, useful for cleaning up the dog's red eye. Just prepare an infusion, let it cool completely and use it with cold soaked cotton tablets to be used externally to the eye, gently and without rubbing.

Another remedy is the Amamelide that has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. Witch hazel can be used in the form of distilled water to make compresses and eye washes

Bach flowers are also useful in case of dog's blepharitis. Using the Rescue remedy (two drops in a teaspoon of water) to clean the eyelid helps against infection.

Finally, an important role is also played by nutrition, which should be based on lean proteins (chicken or fish), useful for improving eye health.

    Cat blepharitis: cures and natural remedies

    Even for cat's blepharitis, as for the dog, it is possible to resort to natural remedies. It is advisable, in fact, to resort to:

    • Washes with Chamomile to clean the cat's eyelids externally.
    • Wraps and washes with distilled witch hazel water
    • Cleaning with Rescue remedy : the Bach flower remedy should be used in water.
    • A diet based on lean proteins, such as chicken and fish.

    Natural tips

    It is important to keep the eyes of the dog and cat always clean by using the appropriate eye solutions .

    These, compared to the water, have a more balanced pH and cause less discomfort.

    Also find out how to cure dog and cat car sickness

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