Naturopathy for Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a sleep disorder, to be precise it is classified as a parasomnia and is characterized by a restlessness of the legs that rests, even during sleep, interrupting it several times during the course of the night. To alleviate these nocturnal leg ailments we can adopt some simple natural remedies and naturopathy comes to our aid.

The iron and copper trace elements in combination, the essential oil of mint conveyed by sesame oil in summer, the essential oil of juniper in sesame oil in winter, Kneipp showers, a phytotherapic such as Mucuna Pruriens can be a valid help for sedate this condition once diagnosed.

Iron and copper, the trace elements

Iron and Copper are synergistic elements: iron is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, a protein that establishes the bonds of oxygen in red blood cells and in muscle myoglobin. Copper facilitates the absorption of iron and assists the hemoglobin synthesis process.

This remedy in Restless Legs Syndrome can be a valid supplement, since among the possible causes there is that of a lack of iron intake that alters the metabolism of the dopamine neurotransmitter, responsible for controlling motor function in the brain.

How to take the trace elements: on the market they are already found in combined vials. One ampule every other day on an empty stomach . Try to retain the remedy for a few seconds at sublingual level before swallowing it: in this way we expand the channels of absorption of the principles.

Mint essential oil

For the summer period (but generally in hypotonic conditions) the essential mint oil is an excellent refreshing remedy (external use). It has a tonic action on tissues and muscles, its properties are carried out in depth up to the neurovegetative system. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory capable of exercising an analgesic and antirheumatic activity at the local level.

Administration : 4 drops of Mint essential oil in 3 tablespoons of Sesame oil, mix and spread the oil on the legs, always massaging them from the bottom (foot, ankle) upwards, following the sense of ascent of the venous and lymphatic circulation . The feeling of lightness and freshness that this or infuses is immediate. It is advisable to rub the sole of the foot well, a very important absorption base. It is a small ritual to do before going to bed, to loosen muscular tension, move the lymph stagnations accumulated during the day and favor venous return.

Warnings : wash your hands well after coming into contact with Mint essential oil. It is irritating to the mucous membranes (eyes, nose, private parts).

Juniper essential oil

For the winter period (generally in conditions of hypertonia ), the essential oil of juniper is a dispersing remedy : it releases muscle tension , relaxes and warms the cooled and hypertonic tissues. In case of cold cramps it is a very suitable circulatory oil. It stimulates the production of natural cortisone and conveys its analgesic properties.

Administration: 4 drops of essential oil of Juniper in 3 tablespoons of Sesame oil, mix and use as a massage oil for the legs. Proceeding from the bottom upwards with a rotary manual to favor the absorption in depth and to exercise a deep massaging action able to dissolve the muscular blocks. It is good to insist in the malleolus area, often painful to the touch, to unblock the stagnation and favor venous return.

Mucuna Pruriens

It is a leguminous creeper that grows in tropical African and Asian areas. Its seeds are the part used for herbal remedies. The important aspect of this plant is given by the concentration in the seeds of an amino acid L-DoPa, precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which as mentioned above regulates important physiological processes including movement. There are ongoing studies on the use of Mucuna L-DoPa for the treatment of disorders caused by dopamine deficiency and even for Parkinson's disease.

In Italy the Mucuna is not very well known and above all it is not mentioned for its possible therapeutic effects, but only as a supplement for erectile dysfunction or male infertility. It has not even been classified as a medicinal plant !!!

Administration : in the market is the Mucuna Pruriens in the form of dry extract of seeds titrated in L-DoPa in 200 mg capsules. You can take 1 to 2 per day.

Warnings : not recommended for liver dysfunction, heart disease, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Homemade Kneipp showers

Perhaps calling them Kneipp showers is a bit ambitious, unless we are lucky enough to live in a spa resort and take advantage of beneficial waters, but be satisfied with the hot-cold principle that is the basis of Kneipp routes.

Before going to bed in the evening it can be helpful to subject the legs to very cold water alternating with very hot water through a showering process.

The thermal shock activates a natural pompage thanks to the solicitation of a vasodilation action alternating with a vasoconstriction, which reactivates the circulation, defacts the legs, re-oxygenates the tissues and relaxes the muscles. Based on individual symptoms (hypertonia or hypotonia and also seasonality), it ends with cold water (vaso-compelling) or hot water (vaso-dilating).

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