What is posterolateral respiration

Would you ever say that breathing can be functional to the well-being of the spine?

Would you ever think of acting on your internal organs even while you are dedicating yourself to your daily breathing?

Posterior lateral breathing allows us to make contact with an important movement for the whole well-being of the organism.

What is posterolateral respiration

Taking breathing habits for granted is quite common, but often a real revolution starts from the variation of a way of breathing that has become unique .

Activities such as yoga start from the premise that by going to work on the breath you are refining the energy, it also varies on the inner level. It is not to be underestimated.

The real pity is that often in the fitness world this aspect is continually neglected and, perhaps even worse, sometimes totally ignored to the point that many exercises take place in apnea, and if the cell really needs something that something is oxygen ; if the body does its work in anaerobiosis the muscles suffer .

Approaching posterolateral breathing allows us not to use the breath as a sort of autopilot . First of all, one has to confuse oneself with one's floating ribs, with the cage - or as it is said in many piscocorpe techniques - with the thoracic "basket" ; secondly, awareness develops at the level of the back, "the back" is heard.

It is in every sense to know how to inhale "filling" the back of breath, which goes into the back and sides of the chest; since the ribs are connected to the column the effects are also behind and the vertebral compression decreases.

Breathe well: here's how

The benefits of posterolateral respiration

This breathing significantly lengthens the natural curves of the spine and has benefits also on the mental side .

A wide-ranging thought is also facilitated by a wide range in the physiological sense proper. Improved respiratory control also has splendid effects on posture; the vertebrae cushion better and the organs perceive more space.

It seems strange to talk about our parts in this way, but it really works like this because everything that makes us up is nothing but a great functional unit.

The benefits also come at the level of the voice and the way one brings oneself into the world with one's own tone; the cervical tract relaxes and the whole body benefits from it. Breath increases awareness and promotes relaxation, the shoulders go down and the neck lengthens.

This type of breathing is widely used in the discipline of Pilates - originally contrology - to support training and work at the level of deep musculature .

Posterior lateral breathing guarantees elasticity and diaphragm function, static and dynamic strength of the main abdominal muscle groups such as transversus, internal and external obliques, rectus of the abdomen, multifidus, square of the loins.

Muscles and breathing

Watch the video on how to perform posterolateral breathing

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