Music and psychophysical practices

Sound is energy in the form of vibrations. Becoming aware of this means taking a first step towards a further awareness concerning the human body: each of our internal organs and tissues has its own resonance, if with my voice I reach another body, I am giving rise to the effect of resonance.

Becoming conscious of this vibratory energy completely opens the doors of perception. It goes without saying that the perspective of the disease also changes: when a balance is altered, when a vibration resonates in a less harmonious way, an alteration occurs; the disease is nothing but the manifestation of this alteration and we should thank it precisely because it is to show us the possibility of a rebalancing.

If every organ has its vibration, in the event of alteration, through sound, balance can be restored. A series of disciplines, from the most ancient to the most innovative methods, are based precisely on this fascinating principle.

Music and psychophysical practices: the Tomatis method and other disciplines

Millennial disciplines such as yoga exploit mantra and Vedic chant to go to convey a sacred sound that vibrates inside and outside the body and is with itself a bearer of meaning and signifier. The same principle is found in the sound massage, which exploits the manipulation and manual treatment associated with sound.

The biopsychophonic is the area that concerns the study and application of music in a therapeutic sense and is a discipline that goes hand in hand with quantum mechanics and the use of frequencies in an exploratory-experiential sense.

In many forms of treatments related to shamanism the sound becomes fundamental, especially in the case of the use of a shamanic drum ; in many seminars, participants are also able to independently build their own shamanic drum. It is in all respects an object of "power", in the true sense of the term, of developing and realizing realizable possibilities, manifested on the real level.

Another source but similar nature is Grof's research and the development of holotropic respiration in which music is used to reach altered states of consciousness.

There are researches that correlate musical frequencies to organs or tissues of the human body . Through special software, for example, we have seen that the kidney (319.88 Eb) has a vibratory frequency with respect to the adrenal (492.8 B), that the liver, our largest gland has a resonance of 317.83 Eb), while the bladder of 352 F The letters refer to the musical notes as indicated in the Anglo-Saxon notation.

Finally we mention the Tomatis method, also known as audio-psycho-phonology: it is based on re-education to listening as a therapeutic method in all respects and is named after Alfred Tomatis, an otolaryngologist and surgeon born in Nice in 1920.

There are benefits in the case of trauma, mental ruminations, depressions and states of anxiety. Going to explore the link between ear, language and psyche, the method is a valid tool for all psychosomatic pathologies and emotional disorders.

You may also be interested in the article on Schulz von Thun and the four ears with which we perceive the world

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