Do you know how to get a sore throat?

The sore throat knocks on our doors and is about to enter. We can still remedy this, to avoid it or check it if it has already arrived, without resorting immediately to antibiotics . With tricks and natural remedies, of course.

How to get a sore throat: the rinses

Gargle with salt water (a tablespoon of salt or baking soda in a glass of hot water) relieves sore throats caused by irritants such as dry air (especially those coming out of air conditioners or heating ). They also act as modulators of secretions, in case the sore throat is due to fat cough.

Licorice acts as an anti-inflammatory : a study in India showed that gargling with water and licorice root mitigated throat pain from operative intubation in patients who used it. The infusion of licorice that advances from rinses can be drunk, and also give relief to the esophageal tract and to the stomach.

Savory and sage, used to make gargle infusions, have a soothing effect .

Other more home-made remedies include rinses with hot water and Burbon : in this case the alcohol could act as a disinfectant for the oral cavity and throat. Let's say that apple vinegar would be much better.

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How to get a sore throat: herbal teas, infusions, sprays

  • Honey : our mothers and grandmothers put it in tea or directly in hot water. Now research confirms this: a study of 139 children with respiratory problems found that honey improved their nocturnal cough more than drugs.
  • Cinnamon : excellent in the preparation of anti-inflammatory infusions .
  • Mint: menthol reduces mucus and soothes inflammation. Scientific studies show that its action is superior to that of placebo. Mint sprays can relieve the inflamed throat and at the same time cure its causes. In addition to refreshing the breath!
  • Propolis : it is produced by bees to protect against bacteria and it works great for us too. It exists on the market in the form of a spray, for direct action, or dry extract tablets, to support the immune system.

How to get a sore throat: natural supplements

Before buying supplements, increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, vegetable proteins . Abundant with onion and garlic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. You will thus have an abundant supply of valuable vitamins and minerals to restore health.

If this is not enough, you can resort to natural supplements that stimulate the immune system : Echinacea, Astragalus, vitamin C, garlic (also exists in convenient dry extract tablets), propolis .

How to get a sore throat: try ...

  1. Smoking cessation: smoking, among other damages, irritates the mucous membranes.
  2. Change toothbrush : oral bacteria can spread into the throat and ignite it.
  3. Use a humidifier : a sore throat as soon as you wake up can be caused by an environment that is too dry. Humidifying the bedroom with a humidifier can solve the problem of dryness.
  4. Treating gastroesophageal reflux : at night, reflux can irritate and cause sore throat on waking. Sleeping with a pillow under the shoulders, remaining slightly raised from the horizontal plane can alleviate the symptoms of reflux (which must be treated with the support of your doctor).

In any case, never ignore the sore throat that lasts more than a week. If you have high fever or inflamed tonsils or severe pain, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. Furthermore, every smoker who has a persistent and strong sore throat should have a medical examination.

Here are the recipes for DIY cough syrups

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