Crystal children

Where does the definition crystal children come from?

The definition of crystal children comes from Doreen Virtue. A writer, psychotherapist and clairvoyant, former founder of Angel therapy, or a form of alternative therapy based on interaction with angels, a few years ago she announced the advent of a new generation of children after the indigo one, called crystal children, and he wrote a book, The Crystal Children .

Why are they called crystal children?

The crystal or crystalline children are so called because of the crystalline color of their aura, speaking of them we enter the infinite universe of body energy and bodies. It is a particular field of emanations that is typical of crystal children, an opalescent and crystalline field, multicolored and with pastel shades, which some say they are able to see. Apparently, crystal children may seem like all other children, but if you know them more closely you will notice some peculiarities. First of all they are children fascinated by rocks and crystals . Furthermore, as Doreen Virtue herself wrote, "The first thing that most people notice in Crystal children is their eyes, large, penetrating and wise beyond their age . Their eyes enchant you and hypnotize you, as you realize that your soul is being laid bare, so that the child can see it. (...) They are happy, delicious and prone to forgiveness. This generation of new "Lightworkers" is between 0 and 7 years old, and is different from all other previous generations. Ideal in many ways, they are those who indicate what humanity is heading towards ... and it is a good direction! "

Crystal children were born from 2000 onwards, the crystalline ones are thought to be the children of indigo children. Characteristically they are very peaceful and vulnerable, they represent a powerful force of love and peace for the Planet. In reality it seems that there are not many crystal children, because humanity must be ready to receive them. The crystallines are extremely powerful children, whose main purpose, according to the theories of Virtue and other authors such as Celia Fenn, author of The Indigo-Crystal Adventure , is to lead the human race to a later evolutionary level, revealing powers and inner divinities.

Crystal children are guided by a group consciousness, universal, not individual, in fact they live according to the "Consciousness of Unity". For this reason, they are said to be able to communicate even telepathically or non-verbally, and start talking later than other children, around 3 or 4 years old. Often crystal children have been brought closer to autistic children because of their particular way of communicating.

What differentiates crystal children from indigo children?

"First, the indigo children lead the way with a machete, cutting everything that lacks integrity, then the crystal children follow the cleaned path, to lead us to a safer world", this is what Virtue reports in its text . The terms "Indigo" and "Crystal" have been attributed to these two generations because they more accurately describe their auric colors and their energy patterns.

Indigo children, who have the color of the "third eye chakra", located between the eyebrows, are considered clairvoyant children .

Crystal children are instead responsible for guiding evolutionary change . The indigo children sweep away the old systems, the crystal children take us by the hand to the new ones.

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