Venus mud: properties, use, contraindications

Venus mud is mud with seaweed, clay, mineral salts and mineral salts. Useful against the imperfections of cellulite, they are used against the adiposities of belly, hips and waistline. Let's find out better.

What are venus muds

Venus muds are muds with a particular formula, based on clay, mineral salts, minerals, often enriched with seaweed . They perform an intense action on skin imperfections of cellulite and on the fatty deposits of belly, hips and waistline.

Properties and use of venus mud

Thanks to these substances, the venus muds would be able to counteract the skin imperfections of cellulite, combat the "orange peel skin" effect and localized fat deposits on the stomach, hips and waist and water retention .

The epidermal tissues regain tone, compactness and plasticity, the silhouette, as reshaped, appears more harmonious.

Instructions for use - Venus muds are applied by spreading them evenly over the affected areas (waist, hips, belly, buttocks). Then wrap it with plastic wrap and leave for 20 or 30 minutes .

Then rinse with warm water. The effectiveness of the treatment is amplified if, in the case of mud packs, before use, the bag is heated to body temperature for a few minutes. Constant use, combined with sports and a targeted diet, improves its effectiveness.

Where to buy venus mud

Venus muds can be found both in health food stores and in stores specializing in the sale of natural products, as well as online. Venus mud is free of dyes or chemicals and is sold as natural products. They are also found in some pharmacies, at beauty or beauty centers, parapharmacies.

Contraindications and side effects

Venus muds should be avoided if you suffer from capillary fragility, at least dilute the concentration.

Given the percentage of iodine contained in the venus mud, they could have repercussions on the thyroid . It is therefore advisable to consult your doctor before undergoing a prolonged period of applications.

There are no particular contraindications to use during pregnancy or during breastfeeding, but, even in these cases, it is advisable to consult your doctor to request an opinion.

All the properties and benefits of sludge

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